Loads of people get bad ribs and mine hurt but not too much, so stayed out the water in the hope they would heal and not get worse - seems to have worked, touch wood.
Yeah I can't really get photos of the wildlife without a big camera but oh well.
I Havnt seen toms comment no because I can't see it while using the iPhone App.
Ed; would be worth trying to put captions on your photos if you can. The time taken will be worth it if you plan to print the book when you return home. If you leave it to the end it might become too big a job to do all in one go. The presentation of the photos in the book works out best if you do this. Sounds like you're having a good time!!
Mandy Bunce
Hi Edd
Sorry to hear about "bad Ribs" - must be bad to keep you out of the water? Try taking the ibuprofen tablets for a few days ( 3times a day). How exciting seeing all the wildlife, just take as many photos as you can. You would need your "big" camera for good distance shots. have you read Toms last comment ?Hope ribs better soon. lots of love . mumx
Yeah the sun is out but the weather is a bit wild, super windy and stuff.
Hes getting into hockey is he?! Pleased for him with the football.
Hope David's race has gone well by the time you read this.
The swell has died off a lot but could still be very good. Yesterday was absolutely brilliant.
I could face time this evening if you like? Send me a normal text and I will get it if possible. Edd z
Mandy Bunce
Hi Edd
Glad sun is out again!
Tom tried hockey last nite with John Warren, he really enjoyed it ,and hopes to go again. Tom has been picked for his first football match on Sunday- hes thrilled.
Im taking david to Somerset running early tomorrow, dad decorating.
Hope you have good weekend, be safe in the water ,if that big storm comes in.
Its mothers day on Sunday, would love to do facetime , if it fits into your day??
Lots of love mumxxxxxxx
Dad -
I wondered what's going on. Please change all the spot x entries to Arrawarra for me. I can't do it on this app and need to pay for PC time.
Hope the new job is long well..
Davey Jones (I assume david lol due to whiskey comment). -
Havnt seen any toads, gutted eh! Tell you what though, you would be Kacking it 24/7, the spiders over here are the size of the palm of your hand! I'm waiting to get a photo next time I see one..
Yeah eye is good thanks, hoping for a rude boiiii scar tho'!
Surf is alright but will see suuuper sick by the weekend apparently, buzzing!
Cheers little man, stay cool.
Crickey all the Fam are getting in on the act!
Mum - eye is fixing up well enough thanks yeah.
It's not really, just 3 freak accidents in 2 days lol.
I forgot you guys would see the shark story. Scary as hell and it's always playing on your mind but I won't surf alone and just have to get on with it.
That would be great if I have it in a week, thankyou.
I am learning lots and the teaching has only just begun.
I was gutted - all the 'academy' went up to the Quicky Pro saw them surfing and partied with the pros in the clubs. They literally went about 3/4 days before I got here.
Hi Edd - have edited your recent entries as you had shown Spot X on the west coast of India, not Australia, and so your map of destinations looked wrong.
Have used Forster, NSW as a temp location as I dont know where Spot X is. I
On your next post choose Spot X correctly on the Aust coast, & I'll amend the locations on your other posts.
hope all is well - everything fine here Dadx
Davesy Jones
Alright there bigtime! or should I say littletime.. muhahah! Read some of your bloggy bloggies and the land of Aus doesn't sound too shabby. Although there have been a lack of toad killing status', lorrie would be most dissapointed ;) Before we put jokes aside there has been the most miraculas discovery here at home .. I'm taller than tom! So now he's the dwarf of the family!
Glad to hear you eye 'wound' is healing nicely, mother showed me a picture and it seemed to be pretty grim so hope your okaii!
How's the surf? Should use auntie mary's camera post some pictures if possible!
Anyway I've already written an essay for you to digest and I know your very bussy, glad everything is going swell and hope you continue to stay safe and have a awsome time
yours intoxicatedly,
Wiskey Sipper.
Mandy Bunce
Hi Edd.
Glad eye injury"knitting" together, sounds as if it was pretty rough if the others guys had injuries too?If ever you use the steri strips again try to leave them on for longer or re apply them. The elastin fbres need longer to knit the wound together.(3 days) Didnt like the shark story.... make sure you never go out alone.
Have posted wetsuit this morning, Pete reckons you should get it in a week, so start looking out for it from next week.
Expect you are pleased to be "top gun" with swedish guy. Lets hope they can give you lots of advice re stance, and improve your surfing. Has the Quicksilver comp finished? Did you get to see any on local TV?
Bye for now. Lots of love Mum xxxxxxx Monday 12/3/12
Hello. I have replied to your WhatsApp - it is the suit with the orange lining.
Will get address ASAP.
Glad you can see this blog to see what I'm up to. X