Australia :)
Week 1
Drama! we waited for our campervan at the airport but it never came.... then we rung the company and they said we had been ill advised and that they never do airport collection sooooooo we had to get a taxi there.
Once we arrived checked through everything and then were told we had no insurance!!!!! Well we were told when we booked it that we did!!!!!! Dilemma!!!!! We couldn't leave without insurance and could not contact Sta at home so had to pay 700pound for insurance eeeeekkkkk.
Australia is rather expensive compared to home but is extremely beautiful.
We headed on our jounery in our little campervan up the east coast stopping at Lake Macquire, Port Macquarie, Kybong and Rainbow Beach.
Rainbow beach was where we were first heading for the Fraser Island tour.
We did the tour on the sunday and it was phenomenal :) we loved it, we even saw two dingos :) we boarded our four wheel drive coach which looked amazing :) and headed across the sea to Fraser. The first stop was for some breakfast then we headed down the 75mile beach to the SS Maheno shipwreck which was much better than the one we had previously seen in Zante :) we even saw a large crab but it crawled to fast for its close up.
Then onto the Pinnacles also known as the coloured sands, and this had a wonderful story behind where two girls were captured and weren't treated well and the tribe said if they tried to run away they would kill them, and then one day the Rainbow king came down to the girls and said if you run away tomorrow I will help you and he did they started running away and the tribe threw their killing boomerang and the Rainbow King came down and was killed by the boomerang and his body lays on the dunes with all his colours draining into the sands, but the girls survived.
On our way back we went to Eli Creek and had the chance to walk down the creek and saw a water snake/eel. On the journey the guide told us that the black rocks along the shore were nicknamed coffee rock because it crumbled into coffee like sediment, and supposively this was also the first stages of coal. He also told us that the red running into the sea from the dunes was Tea tree.
After a tasty buffet lunch at Eurong beach resort we headed to Lake McKenzie, which was a perched lake which is on the side of a sand dune. It is filled up by rain water,and we had the chance to go swimming in it but it was freezing, the guide said that the silica sand around the edges could be used to exfoliate :) and that the elders from the tribes used to go here when they had to make important decisions.
Our final stop was the rainforest in central station which was beautiful it is crazy how all the vegetation is growing in sand and still gets all the nutrients it needs to grow such a fantastic rainforest. The guide said it was the only place on earth where a rainforest had formed in sand. The Sahara desert is not one as palm trees do not make a rainforest the trees have to have vines coming from them.
Sunday we continued up north for Whitsundays so our next stop was Yamba.
Speak soon x
- comments
Donna's mum This is so interesting ! I like the camper van too ha .Makes me smile thinking of you two driving about in it haha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx