A short 40 minute journey c/o our neighbour Rob (thank you again R) saw us arive at LHR in plenty of time for our ANZ flight which was scheduled for 3.35.
Check in, security etc were all fine and we were soon milling round T1 killing time, shopping was out of the question as we could barely manage the luggage we already have let alone anything ese.
Boarding time soon came around and we we're off on a 20 minute walk to the gate, or roll in Jessica's case as she travelled by Trunkie.
We were soon onboard flightNZ1 which transpired to be the new Boing 777 300 ER which is an all black plane ANZ have done in recognition of the All Blacks (see pic). This has to be the best plane I've flown on, it has only been in service a matter of 3 - 4 weeks and had that brand new feeling.
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