Thanks for the ongoing account of your adventure. You are a very strong woman. Continue to stand up for yourself and do not let these people get into your head. I look forward to continue to live vicariously through your account of your most awesome adventure! Happy New Year!
Your pictures are fabulous! And it looks as though you are having a great time in Zanzibar - happy to see that. Safe travels to Moshi, have a blast on your safari.
Hi Leah, thanks for letting us in on your journey! So excited for you!! Can't wait to see and hear more from you!! Enjoy your self every second!! - Dan and Judy Rogness
Dottie Maitland
Watching your pictures and reading your blog with great interest. Feel like I am there too. Thanks so much. Have been sharing with the Zieskes as their son did this all over Europe and he is writing a book. Should see Reg today.
Hi Leah hope all is well, tried to phone and email..not sure if it worked. Please let me know if you received the email and if the Cell is working Stay safe!!
Love Your Brother
Hope your hike went well and you have enjoyed Christmas abroad. I admire you and the adventure you are on. Keep safe!!
Good luck at Kilmanjaro! I know you will make it :) You are one driven woman! Wishing you all the love and adventure....
Leah Wamboldt
Please feel free to pass this blog on to anyone you know that may be interested in following Freedom 55 World Tour!