OW at Ko Haa
Back in a previous incarnation (before being an elephant but after Tibetan monk) this trusty divescout was a scuba instructor who worked in several great South East Asian destinations. One of these was Ko Lanta, and it has to be said that if God (or Buddha or Shiva or whoever) designed a location for an Open Water Course, he (or she) would have to work pretty hard to beat Ko Haa lagoon. Protected on all sides by three postcard-perfect islands, this is a place that bestows calm on the most nervous student. Aquamarine water, coral and fish visible from the boat deck, no current or waves... instructor heaven! This is dive teaching as it should be: relaxed and calm with time for every student's individual needs; and at the end of the course logbooks brimming with sightings of turtles, barracuda, eels and even leopard sharks! And once the course is over, more advanced dives are 5 minutes away, including the "chimney" on Ko Haa 1 & the famous "cathedral" cavern on Ko haa 5, yippee, GREAT to be back(!)
Day trip to Hin Daeng
As an experienced diver, when the boss at Palm Beach Divers asked me where I felt like revisiting, there was only one answer: Hin Daeng please! There are actually two sites out here (Hin Daeng & Hin Muang) Justly famous for sightings of mantas, you shouldn't underestimate what else lives out here on these two gorgeous pinnacles. Unfortunately the flappers didn't show this time, but when your guide points out schools of barracuda and batfish, two ornate ghost pipefish, a cuttlefish lurking in swaying purple soft coral, a leopard shark... all in what can only be described as fish SOUP... you'd have to be pretty hard to please to be disappointed. And when the diving is conducted from a big, comfortable boat with great food, fun staff and a spacious sundeck... what more does a girl need? You're allowed to be jealous! A fine day that ends with a glorious sunset over Ko Haa as the captain guides the boat on to the dock...
Palm Beach Divers
As I mentioned, I worked on Lanta back in the day and therefore my choice of operator here was based on in-depth personal experience. Lanta is well-known in Thai dive circles for its professional approach to diving; the cut-throat competition that threatens both island atmosphere and diving standards is noticeably absent here... but makes for a tough decision. However, for me there is one ingredient at Palm Beach Divers that lifts it above the herd: passion. From the first time I entered the shop until I finally left at the end of my trip, this shop was only interested in one thing: what did I want to do? This passion is clearly visible in the up-to-date equipment, frequent exploratory dives and enthusiastic, friendly staff; but most of all in the owner Lisa who is that rare creature: an owner who'd rather be in the water than at her computer!
Lanta life
Who would I recommend Koh Lanta to? Anyone who's looking for a bit of everything! Spacious and peaceful compared with its more famous (and arguably overrun) sister Ko Phi Phi, you can stay in your bungalow's hammock and do nothing all week and hardly see or hear another soul. Or you can hit Ozone or Independence Bars and dance like a maniac until 3 in the morning. You want to eat like a local there's pad thai for 1 Euro... you want fine dining and good wine Red Snapper and The Frog await. All set on a succession of beautiful beaches, each more beautiful than the last... Personal favourite memory? Corner Bar in Marina Resort: lounging on a bed of cushions with sundowner beer in hand, fruit bats wheeling above my head and old school reggae on the sound system; you know a better end to a great day of diving?!
Read more about this destination at the Blue Venture Diving website at
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