Trish! Your blog is great-- and it's never too long when you have so many interesting experiences to share!
Safe travels, and we'll see you here in the States soon!
Lee Fretz
Dear Trish,
Ta for ur email. Will be glued to the computer waiting. Love Lee
Hi Trish. Have just read your STA blogs. Impressed. Would you please send me details of where and what you are doing in an email to me. Addy is: [email protected].
Hey Trish. I'm loving your blogging, its fantastic. You made me laugh, but I also got a bit teary cos I miss you!!! I know you probably miss us but you are having such amazing experiences and we will still be here when you get back lol. Love you lots, Lizzy
Louise Barber
Hi Trish, I have a sore knee so am off work and home on 12/11 am, all day 13/11 if you are able to call. We will be in Perth 14 to 18th Nov. All are well and looking forward to Davids B'day. LOVE from MUM and DAD.
Emma C
Hi Trish,
Wow looks like you're having an amazing time and reading through your blog has certainly inspired me to travel to the Middle East.
Take care. Have fun!
awesome blogs trishie. this is actually the 1st time I've checked it out. really glad you caught up with Ray & enjoyed it. thanks for the post card it arrived the day b4 last. nice bit of "urban assault" through bangkok on the bike!
love Ben
Lee Fretz
Dear Trishie,
Was enthralled by your latest blog.. keep them coming,
Love Lee
Kate (Fox)
WOW!! really cool pics of the crack in the wall that lead to the city!! What a beautiful landscape... so different. Keep enjoying yourself dish :)
Love Kate
Lee Fretz
Dear Trish,
r u a wonderful writer n I am jealous but glad u are having such a good time. love Lee
Thanks for the messages, it so nice to hear from family and friends back home and to know I am not forgotten. Just quickly wanted to let you know I am staying in Damascus for the weekend and will travel to LEbanon on SUnday, and then will probably go to TUrkey on the Thursday. My plans keep changing from day to day!
Missing everyone lots
love T