After Iles de salut and a night in hammock in the beach in Korou, I once again raised my thumb and headed for Suriname. For some reason all the ATM's between Korou and Suriname was out. So once again, I was without any money. I barely got over the border to Suriname with a boat, but there, for the first time on my trip, I meet some real problems crossing a border. Since Guiana is a part of France, you dont need to stamp in when you enter the country, and therefore, I thought I didn't need a stamp to exit. Well, I was wrong. And the combination of me being stubborn, and not having any money lead me to an argument with the border officials and they kind of threw me back to Guiana. Luckily, people in theese parts are really nice and helpfull, so I caught a ride with a boat back to immigration in Guiana, got my stamp, and back to Suriname - here basically crawling back appologizing for my behaviour and pleading them to let me back in. They bought it, even though I kinda still think I'm right, and let me in!
On my jungle - expedition in Guiana I got a couple of minor cuts on my hands from thorns and plans while running through the woods. Back home, this would never have given me any problems and would be as good as new after to-three days. Here, in South-America, things are different. They got infected and turned into yellow blisters. Some days later, my tonsils started immitating ping-pong balls and I got a fever. I tried waiting it out and cleaning myself up with some stuff from the farmacy, but it didn't work and I went down to the hospital in Paramaribo. Therefor, I am now on anti-biotics and just hanging out in Paramaribo while waiting for it to pass before I start my travels in Guyana. Even though I hven't been 100%, I've had a great time in Paramaribo. Seen all the sights, met some interesting people and even got to watch The hangover 2 at the cinema. Paramaribo is a actually a UNESCO site, and is an intreeging little city. What has left the biggest impression on me so far is the religious situation here. You can see Moskes, Synagoges and Churces as next door neighboors. I've even been told that jews, muslims and christians often celebrate their holidays together! Watch and learn middle-east..
Paramaribo also have the same Carribian meets Europe wibe, but there's definately more caribbian than Europe here.. People are friendly, my guesthouse is nice and food is great. So I don't mind spending a couple of days here at all. My plan is to arrive in Georgetown, Guyana, by saturday and from there catch a tour to The Kaietur Falls, which are said to be up there with Iguazu, Victoria and Angel Falls! Later!
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