After a transit-night in Valladolid i headed for what is supposed to be the mother of all Mayan ruins, Chichen Itza.
The main tempel in the archeological site is considered as one of the 7 man-made wonders of the world, and it truly is marvellous. The tempels are almost completely restored and it`s hard not to be impressed over the immense structures buildt so long ago. That being said, the whole experience of walking around in the site turned out to be very different from what I had expected, mostly because it is very crowded with both venders and tourists. It`s just not as peacefull when guys jump out every 10m you walk to try to sell you the same souvenirs you`ve just turned down 100 times before. Also, even though it`s a very different site, it`s hard not to compare it to Macchu Picchu, the flagship of the Inka culture, and to be honest, it doesn`t stand a chance..
Onwards from the ruins I took a weekend break in the cool mountain town Merida to watch some fotball and relax. Even though both Manchester teams won convincingly, it turned out to be a great little break. Having spent about 2 weeks struggeling to sleep in the steaming, humid coast I treated myself to a airconditioned hotel-room my last day. Best sleep I`ve had in months!
The last stop on my short Mexico-adventure was the backpacker-hotspot San Cristobal De Las Casas, were my former co-traveller Karen works at a hostal. It`s a charming and tranquilo town situated up in the mountains. From San Cristobal I joined a couple of german travellers on a day tour to one of the other big archeological sites in Mexico, Palenque. On the way there we also stopped by two of the famous waterfalls in the region. On this trip i felt for the first time spoiled I`ve gotten during the last 8 months. Both the waterfalls and the ruins were nice, but after seeing Macchu Picchu, Angel Falls and all the other stuff we`ve been doing I`m alot harder to impress than I used to be. So the whole tour was pleasant, but not really a big deal.

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