Spent a couple of days in the beautiful mountain town of Boquette. Decided to climb Volcane Baru on the first night. Luckily, the weather held out for us. Got a taxi to the park entrance at 11.30pm and began the arduous climb which took us from 1700 to 3500 metres asl. Annoyingly, some of it was downhill, which meant more uphill! Got to the top near a smattering of transmitter aerials at 5am. Met up with a Canadian and 2 Spanish lads, who sat out the wait for sunrise with us as misty rain set in. Took some shelter behind some abandoned-looking metal huts. The Spanish guys tried to light a fire. Bizarrely, the door I was sat against started rattling and some kindly Police gent emerged and offered us all a hot coffee. Perfecto! Sunrise was cloudy, but after 30 minutes the mist lifted and we were able to climb the last few minutes to the peak. Stunning views. The climb down was hard on the old joints. Finally got back to the park entrance at 10.30am. Knanckered!
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