In fiji! Amazing - like paradise, gem arrived the mornring after me at 5am and was in shock as she didnt realise she was going straight onto a tour bus, but the biatch called me at 6am to tell me she had landed... which was really lovely of her so I equally had a poop night sleep.
First night here was spent in Nadi at Aquarius, arrived and chilled out with some more english people and then started sorting out my visa for working in oz, did that and ate the most amazing (and cheap) meal - the place was on the beach and had a pool, shame it was dark when I arrived, and its very humid here. Bought lots of vodka duty free, looked like a right alcoholic! haha
So yes, wednesday onto bus and went to a market, seaside fijian village and learnt about their traditions and things, and cannibal past, then went to Natadola beach - it was beautful, like the movies, this funny little flower man came over to us and gave us flowers and said if we ever wanted to get married we should get in touch with him. He had hte funniest voice and i almost wet my self.. he wouldnt shut up andfollowed us dowwn the beach with an even Bigger bunch... which die in about 5 mins... anyway so then BBQ and sand boarding (which is basically not waht I thought - it was just body boarding down a f*** off hill of sand,) still fun tho and good views from the top.
Stayed in another lodge wed night which was called mango bay - and there we drank cava - their traditional drink (spelt wrong) and ate and then hit bed, after yet again sorting out my visa, which i think is done now. Mango bay was amazing, we got put in safari tents (not really a tent) and shower room was open air, amazing... that was also on the beach...
Thursday we got up early, then gem and opted out of the 3 hour trek and lay by the pool in pacific harbour and had an hour long massage on the beach and hired jet skis and went whooshing about on them, then at 5 - happy hour!!!! our room here is amazing too - but bck in dorms for 3 night.. bum.. haha.. last night drank a lot of vodka with our tour guide jerry and he took us to this random house party in the middle of nowhere with all the fijian people - it was so funny, on the way home I fell into a drain and all the guys came running from the cars to help me out and all i cared about was my flipflop. One of the guys is a pilot and drove us there and let me and gem steer all the way home (stupid - but we are fine and it was fun).
today more pool and tan time, but the pilot guys (whos name I failed to remember) took us up to this waterfall in the hills and we swam and jumped in there, was amazing - no tourists - so cool. Then we jumped about in his 4 wheel drive for an hour up and down dirt tracks.. so fun. Early night tonight and more jet skiing tomo.. woooooo
Hope u are all ok... xoxoxoxox Loves ya (sorry so long!)
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