Hi David, you think that's a party, wait till you get home - only joking. That really gives you something to top on your 21st in 2 weeks.
Hey David I see you already got the message about the TV ad. Back in rainy London now back to dreaded work on Monday. Good luck on the rest of your trip email me when you get home tc x
Hey sweetie finally made it back from India me and rach stayed one more week. Guess what saw our advert on TV out there was so exciting you and Olly rocked. Let me know when your coming to OZ take care xxx
Hey davey those beaches look sooooooo good in your pics we gotta go sometime just only for a holiday no travelling lol take care huny xxx
Hi David - thanx 4 the lovely birthday flowers and card. The photos are fantastic! Catherine and Bob send their love. xx Pauline
Shay, Shane & Jack
Howz it going davey boy hope you made it down to phuket ok rememer if your even in dublin u alwayz got a place 2 stay good luck on the rest of your trip. Shay. Shane & Jack (aka pool king)
Was great travelling with you mate, journeys over for me now back home tomorrow. Look after yourself Dan
Hi David, Bad news Thierry has finally signed for Barcelona! Love Mum
Hey sweety hope your enjoying Bangkok missing you email me big kisses L xxx
Hey David, back home now thanks for everything you did for me will never forget you good luck on the rest of your trip stay in touch xx
Hi David,really enjoy reading you blogs.What great experiences you are having. From Jill Laurence Jon Laura and Natalie
Hi David, so your a lone trooper now, not for long you'll meet loads more! Nice to see your trying all the local sports. Ping pong could have been worse you could have been playing wih the woman from the massage parlour? Take care and keep us all entertained. Graham