Hi Guys
The blog is great and pictures fantastic. Everyone in Lake District fine, Katie has a new friend misty a dog down the road that comes visiting sometimes, they seem to get on well and it is really nice for Katie. We have been really busy which is good but knackering, the family coming in a couple of weeks for the weekend and then we are off the the North York Noors, not quite so glamorous as Vegas or Hollywood, oh sorry forgot we live in Holly-Wood. Really good to hear from you guys again, keep up the good work exploring and I know its hard but but you must keep trying all the local produce both food and drink, I am looking forward to a full briefing when we see you both next.
LOL (loads of Love, not laughing out loud)
Yana Ian & Katie
Matt Bland
Loving the blog guys, hope you have fun in Mexico!
Helloooooooooo :)
Hope you guys are doing well!! just a little note to say I miss you loads and hopefully will see ya soon- love reading ya blogs- but never noticed you could leave messages!!!
Tez ;)
Carol And Geoff
Hi Guys - We saw The Lion King at local "Monte Casino" - really enjoyed it (Although I was concerned that the slug was a guy called Herbert not Wayne R!!). The managers at Finsbury for several years have been in St Albert, Alberta for the last year - they are taking a hol in Vancouver shortly - is there a contact for you guys in case they get bored with "relatives". They have two brill kids Frances and Grant - their names are Leslie and Graham.
Carol And Geoff
Hi Megan happy birthday - not sure whether David was referring to your birthday on the 25th or your 25th birthday. If the latter is true I'll lay a charge of cradle snatching!! We have heard that Pixar are doing a new pic called "The Grizzly from Eddlesborough". They are still debating whether the main character is D or T. We have just passed mid-winter here, and hope top take your mate Thandi up to Finsbury mid-August for her first trip. Doesn't sound half as exciting as your trip to Alaska - just wear warm M&S undies. Hope that Danny's trip goes well. We are looking at some sort of trip back next year to UK - some important dates coming up. Doesn't seem like 6 months ago you got on the plane out of here. Take great care - and continue to send us great photos and stories from over there. When you get to SF, and see all those baby-boomers looking like me, just say ag shame poor souls! LoL C, T, M and the other guy
Hi to you all, we are back and our first job was to catch up on your photos and blog. Seems like you are having a great time and seeing some wonderful wildlife! Loved the bear cubs (sooo cute!) and fantastic piccy of the whale! Thought Caroline and Dawn looked good in their Canada tops. So, bet Dawn was pleased that you thought she sounded like me! Wish I was there! :) Enjoy the rest of the week. Jeanxxx
Davids Mum And Da
Saw the pictures and read the blog.What agreat day out in Tofino. Fantastic pictures of the whale breaching and the bear and two cubs. Great for Caroline and Dawn to view on their trip. Must be haviing a great time and hope Caroline enjoyed her Birthday yesyerday lol Mum and Dad
Carol And Geoff
Hi Y'all - that "grizzly" really looked frightening!!! Lots of love to Caroline for her birthday yesterday - it' sooo long ago we were 25?? If you have a spare bed at home, Wayne Wooney is looking for someone who will believe he was the best player at the World Cup. Take care C&T&M&G
hi, Sorry it's been so long since i last wrote but we have had computer problems again! Lost all our emails and email addresses! :( Hope you are both well. Loved the photos of the cabin, the scenery and wildlife were brill! You are soo lucky! Hope you enjoy the two weeks with your visitors, look after them. Bob still taking tablets and having a few problems, dawn will fill in you. Love Jeanxxx
Carol And Geoff
Ou gaan dit met jou(s)?
Here we are one week from that tournament that you are not allowed to mention (you get sued by the "owners"!!). Struggled a bit, but managed to get you all sponsored return flights, accom for one night and tickets for all games David Beckham scores in (no please - take me out of your will!). The country is getting excited about all sorts of things - tube trains, pot-holes, foreign visitors, English yobo's being banned, flags on cars and buildings (don't know where the tattoos are going), electricity (probably a stimulant) and Jacob Zuma's second wife having an affair and child with her bodyguard. Yep - you are right - that has nothing to do with soccer - or does it? Glad to hear you are getting the rest sorted. LoL from Thandi, us and the neighbours.
Daddy Betts
Hi to you all
Lynne valley lookls remarkably like Capilano which we saw on our trip to Vancouver and was just across the Bridge. Remember the Suspension Bridge which it took Mum a little biit of enciouragement to cross but she made iIs it the same?? . Hope everythings OK with you and glad to read Dan at last has a job
Weather here glorious and set
to last for a few days
lol Mum and Dad
Yana & Ian
Hi Both & Dan
Sounds like you are having a great time, not sure on the video of the great white though, bit to close for comfort one thinks. Great photo's and we definately agree with your dad on the travel writer thingy. Pam & Tom came up week before last and sorry but they stayed in the downstairs, oh sorry bunker, they had a week in Scotland on Loch Lomond in our place at Cameron House, the weather was really good and they had a very relaxing time by all accounts. We had a couple of really hot days when they came back and yes I know you won't believe it but I have a bit of a tan going this year or is it wind burn never could tell, well anyway we had a couple of lovely walks with Katie who enjoyed a nice long swim in the very cold Tarn on school Knott. We are starting to book up a bit now at long last. Your Hols later in the year sound exciting and not long now till Caz will be with you, they are due, by they I mean Caron & Paul as well as Caz, up with us on the weekend after next, I think they are bringing bikes with them, hope the weather is good for them, but with the best will in the world I don't think that I will be joining them on a bike ride, Ian might on his new bike though. Katie is well and has really grown up in the last month or so, she is finally .listening, Ian and I have seen a trainer with Katie and he is helping us with her, he is really nice and she seems to be responding well and we are even getting her to stop growling quite so much at the guests when they come in to pay which can only be a good thing. Will write again soon probably an e-mail.
We all send you our love and wishes. Yana Ian & Katie.