Hat's off to you to put up with Leigh this long :).....High maintenance ....Sorry for your luck buddy !
Daddy Badoyen
Daddy Badoyen
Glad to talk to you kids tonight. It sounds like you kids are "still" having a blast. Hey let's see more pictures with you two in it. Oh and P.S. Imagine doing Guiness in a beer bong??... Anyhow enjous Ireland and Scotland. Love you guys,
Daddy B
Bonnie Giglio
Danny, I can't believe that Nick was in Paris when u were. He was there Mon. - Fri. staying at the Young and Happy hostel in the Latin district near Notre Dame. Prior to Paris ,he was in Prague w/ Danny and this weekend they were in Germany So I can't wait to hear about Nick's trip to Europe. I keep looking at your great pics and blogs. Ya'll are having such a good time and I'm enjoying it with u !!!!
If you guys go to a pub out in the countryside at night remember the first rule at closing time- "stay on the road-don't go into the moors....." Anyway, I'm so glad you have the chance to see the "green isles". Leigh, when you get to Scotland if you go to Glasgow your great-grandfather Andrew MacFarlane was born and raised in the county of Lanark. His Scottish brogue was so strong I never understood a single thing he said but his blue eyes said it all!!! Take care you two-Lulu
I was only kidding.....ok enough of that...now you will be going to God's Country.....The Irish are the nicest people in the world, just make sure you don't invite anyone back to the states, give them your address or phone number...BECAUSE THEY SHOW UP - and it is funny what a little Guinness or Harp can do to your thought process..been here - done that...even got a T-shirt. If you get a chance go to the Bunratty castle in Shannon and then acroos the street is Dirty Nellie's - a local pub that the leprechans hang out in..I think I have seen a few there...have fun and have at least one for the "B"...love you guys
Hey a little sensitive over there....glad you guys got to the top of the Eiffel Tower. I hope you were thinking of Chevy Chase in the National Lampoon European Vacation when the dog flew off of the tower after Rusty's hat...have a safe trip to London...talk to you later....B
Hey you guys-try to see the Eiffel tower at night. France is celebrating being the "capital" of the European Union (all the countries take a turn every couple of years or so) and they lit it up in blue with stars all over it!! Should be pretty.....Hey, eat some snails, you might like them as much as mussels....NOT!!! love, Lulu
OK....Heineken museum or diamonds.....Danny your prioriteis all are messed up. I was looking forward to a video from you guys :( Have fun in Paris..you can walk around with a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread - sit on the bank of the Seine and enjoy.....B
Vicki Wood
Hey you guys....I am so jealous..."Daddy Badoyen" just walked me through a tour of your photo's (I work for "Daddy Badoyen" @ First Data), I have one word to say...WOW!!!! Keep having fun!
Aunt Lynne
Hey Guys...
Have fun in Paris. Danny there is a synagogue there which I believe is called the 1813 synagaogue. It is pretty significant since it made through the war, etc...the town is neat, but i forgot the name of it..(sorry) There is a Picasso museum near by. It was pretty cool.
Also try to go to Sacre Cur. (Can't spell it) It means Sacred Heart..It is in the tourist district. Actually near the Red light district where the Moulin Rouge is. At night it was a little shady so I would go there in the day time only. Uncle Kev and I had a portrait of us drawn somewhere in the square. All the local artists hang out. Price everything out..some are less or more $$ than others. You can also take great pictures of the city from that area. Of course the Louve is in Paris. Go see Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. It is so large you could never see it all in a day but those of course are the most famous works there. (I am sure there are other famous works but my brain is not working right now)
Go to the top of the Eiffle Tower and down the Champs y Lise, (spelling) It is the Fifth Ave of Paris.
That's all I remember
Love you gus, have fun!
OK...so now you have to go to Park City Utah and go parasailing with Bob....he and his son started a couple of months ago - jumping off of the mountains in Utah - what the? Glad you guys are having so much fun....2000 beers? I think we may need to do a trip to Brussels - maybe we will go during a festival and crash a dance!!!!! I am sure that Danny will become fluent in French & Dutch by the time we leave - since he picked up German so easily last year- love you guys...B
Mike Hartpence
It's Tuesday This must be Belgium!I know that movie was before your time but you guys have to be waking up everyday thinking...wo what country are we in now? fun reading your blogs it is like we are all ther with you...Big Daddy....