Just read your blog, you seem to be havıng a great tıme out there ıt all sounds very ınterestıng!!!! Well done Dan for tryıng all the dıfferent foods, Sam you need to try more or you wıll waste away!!
We are havıng a great tıme ın Turkey, very very hot, nıce place, nıcer than we thought ıt was goıng to be. We went on a jeep safarı the other day, that was fantastıc, we were all lıke kıds agaın, we had water fıghts wıth guns and your dad couldnt waıt to get hıs gun fılled up agaın. We have found a local bar where auntıe gıll has met your new uncle, yes he ıs Turkısh - poor man has nothıng - she ıs goıng to take care of hım forever.....lol
We have just less than a week left of our holıday - you have 47 weeks left, you lucky thıngs...
Love you and leave you now, take care, Mum & Dad x x x
(And Auntıe Gıll & Uncle Erkan X X X )
Claire & Rich
Hi you two.
It was great to see your photo's and read your blog about Bangkok- even though it was a long time coming!!!
Have only got week and half left before back at work- Ahhh! And still got work to do. Ben is on holiday next week and hoping to meet up with him and camp for a few days in our tent- must be mad!!! Whatever happened to relaxing holidays on the beach!?
Take care and relax in Phuket.
Love you x x x x
hey everyone! its hard to write a message to all off you so this is just a quick one to say thank you for the messages, its really nice to read them all!
i love you too eddie! hope you have a great birthday!!
joanne the bag is packed solid and we left clothes in oz!!
speak soon xx
hi, Dan
Just looked at your photos.You look like you are having far too much fun,not to mention the drinks ! Still looking lovely as always. How did you get all those glam outfits in such a small bag?
Stay safe. Love Joanne xx
Eddie has just looked at your photo's and he loved all the funny faces you and your friends were pulling! When i asked him what we should say to Aunty Dan he said 'I love you Aunty Dan!'
Have fun in Thailand and keep safe.
Love always
Claire x x
Sam,s Mum
Tattoo ?????????????
marriage ?????????
Hi Becca, I would have loved to have seen there faces when they read your blog!!!!
Take care , speak to you soon
Hi Giirlys, (Love the hair Dani, u were blonde last time i seen u!!)
I'm impressed with this site Manf, i can keep in touch with out stupid FaceBook.. Loving the photo's. Becca looked gorg.
I'll keep nosing on here to keep up with u's and let u know any news on baby. Txt me ur new number every time u get one.
Hey sexy b****es! thought i would leave a message to say hi! Sam you were so brave today getting tha tattoo on your arm! For anyone who hasnt seen the photos, sam got a huge tattoo all the way up her arm! Dani.. dont worry we can get ur marriage annulled! It was a very drunken mistake but dont panic!
Love you both... mwah! xoxo
Sam im sooo impressed, gettin dan to drink shots, i havnt done this in like 8 yrs n it takes u a week, well done, i dread to think wat she'll be like wen u get bk lolol!!love ur pics u both look fab on the pics, cant wait to see u in thailand, we land at 7 pm on the 12th n booked into sawasdee bangkokm inn on kohsan road so if u can try meet us there maybe bout half 8ish, were stayin for 3 nights then going to chang mai so hopefully will get to spend at least a day with u!cant wait to see u both!
luv u x x x
June & Mickey
Hi there you two,
Everyone says hi and hope you both are having a great time so far and not conned to many people tom carry you bags, ha ha
Glad the wedding went without any hitchs, you all looked fantastic and what an ace setting just perfect.
Nothing exciting to report from over here at the mo only that we all miss you loads.
Take care speak to you on Sunday
Love you loads
Mum & Mickey
David Fox
Hey Dan hows it going?
Spoke to my Mum the other day and she said that you had now set off on your travels..im currently in New Zealand and leave to India in about 2 weeks, then South Africa..let us know how its going..are you in Oz to start with?