In traveling more and more through out Italy, I have discovered that each little town is a different character in a neighborhood. Florence is actually the the cranky old man with the lawn gnomes. Bologna and Parma are the two hot young college boys going to culinary school. Rome is the beautiful wise old women who stands on her front porch in the sun and basks in her superiority. She's got cats. I'm just taking a walk down the street .
Oh boy do I love food! Parma had the most delicious parmesan cheese. I know it sounds like a no brainer, but it's true. Raj and I wandered around Parma that afternoon and came to an amazing park. Raj asked me what the chances were that we would run into other people from the villa. I thought they would be better on the other side of the river that what we were on, but we ran into them all at the park. It was rather nice, We all walked back over the river and spent the rest of the afternoon on the giant teapots. Before we left town, we picked up a ciocolato caldo (hot chocolate). The man spent 20 minutes making the drinks and they were basically melted chocolate deliciousness. Oh, how I love food.
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