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Chasing the sun...
Argentina > Salta
Argentina > Salta (80 photos)
Welcome to Salta
May 1, 2028
...tempted by the oran…
May 1, 2028
The start of the Gondala.
May 1, 2028
The Gondala
May 1, 2028
Walking fown St Bernar…
May 1, 2028
The view from St Berna…
May 1, 2028
Walking fown St Bernar…
May 1, 2028
The view from St Berna…
May 1, 2028
The man-made waterfall…
May 1, 2028
The view from St Berna…
May 1, 2028
Nick, enjoying the vie…
May 1, 2028
Live music on the hill.
May 1, 2028
The view from St Berna…
May 1, 2028
The view from St Berna…
May 1, 2028
Relaxing once we reach…
May 1, 2028
At the track of the tr…
May 2, 2028
Road trip
May 2, 2028
Road trip
May 2, 2028
May 2, 2028
The 400yr old Cactus
May 2, 2028
The 400yr old Cactus
May 2, 2028
The 400yr old Cactus
May 2, 2028
The Cactus Forest
May 2, 2028
The Cactus Forest
May 2, 2028
The Cactus Forest
May 2, 2028
Nick and the grizzly bear
May 2, 2028
The Cactus Forest
May 2, 2028
The construction site …
May 2, 2028
Road trip
May 2, 2028
Onno and the guard
May 2, 2028
Pit stop for photo time!
May 2, 2028
Road trip
May 2, 2028
View from our corsa
May 2, 2028
May 2, 2028
Construction site
May 2, 2028
The tracks for the tra…
May 2, 2028
Nick and the guard
May 2, 2028
Road trip
May 2, 2028
Road trip
May 2, 2028
May 2, 2028
The Church
May 2, 2028
The kids at the church
May 2, 2028
Views from the church
May 2, 2028
Families making fresh …
May 2, 2028
Asking the white girl …
May 2, 2028
Road Trip!
May 2, 2028
Road Trip!
May 2, 2028
Working hard...
May 2, 2028
Working hard...
May 2, 2028
At the school's constr…
May 2, 2028
Working hard...
May 2, 2028
The local church.
May 2, 2028
The church.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
Now where can I hang m…
May 2, 2028
400yr old Cactus.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
Nick in the Cactus for…
May 2, 2028
400yr old Cactus.
May 2, 2028
Our secret view-point.
May 2, 2028
The old train to the c…
May 2, 2028
Singing for supper.
May 2, 2028
Singing for supper.
May 2, 2028
Singing for supper.
May 2, 2028
Our own BBQ.
May 4, 2028
Our own BBQ.
May 4, 2028
Dinner time!
May 4, 2028
Enjoy a beer with the …
May 4, 2028
Our own entertainment.
May 4, 2028
Enjoying his favourite…
May 5, 2028
Belinda, excited by th…
May 5, 2028
Gobbling down a specia…
May 5, 2028
Belinda & Toby.
May 5, 2028
We'll never know!
May 7, 2028
Leaving Salta =(
May 8, 2028