funny story, though. the next day a few Thais told us that it means 'Royalty.' "Like the King." So 'someone' may have accidentally gotten 'Royalty" tattooed on her rib cage
Bawhahahahaha- I guess either way it works though, It could be worse. I know someone with a missppelled tattoo, much worse.
bahahahahaha. I just checked on google the difference and its right. So no worries. But court, you cant speak engthai very well.... the thai person said "its like to the king royalty"
that tat is stooopid
Straight stoopid! Love that you're lovin it!!! Paradise can't be bad! What you're doing with the kids is amazing!!! I don't want to say "hope to never see you again" but follow your heart! the way yo mama says see you at christmas! LOVE!!!
Krista Bawhahahahaha- I guess either way it works though, It could be worse. I know someone with a missppelled tattoo, much worse.
kaberly bahahahahaha. I just checked on google the difference and its right. So no worries. But court, you cant speak engthai very well.... the thai person said "its like to the king royalty" that tat is stooopid
Mel Straight stoopid! Love that you're lovin it!!! Paradise can't be bad! What you're doing with the kids is amazing!!! I don't want to say "hope to never see you again" but follow your heart! the way yo mama says see you at christmas! LOVE!!!