Have just checked out your photos,very interesting. Paul O'Reilly lives in Exmouth,let me know if you are going that way. Hope you enjoy Darwin, have noticed the temperature is better than melbourne's.
Love and miss you both,
Hey Happy wanderers,
Just letting you know that we APS-ers are still checking up on you and glad to hear you're having a great time. Do you too remember what work is like?
Kylie & David
Hi All
Sorry for the lack of additions to our website this past month. Since leaving Cooktown we haven't had the opportunity to update the site. We arrived in Darwin today, so look forward to additons soon.
Kylie & David
Dearest "Baby girl" and David,
Miss you both very much but am pleased to catch up with all your news.Your photos make us wish we were with you. North had a lucky win against West coast, but a win is a win!!
Had a good night at the 70th birthday (Sean 40 and Annabelle30)Dreadfull night weather wise but a goodnight was had by all Going up to Brisbane next week with Billy,Tom and Alice to be with Kristine and Shane. Will do some sightseeing on Gold Coast and football at the Gabba. My love to you both, Mum xxxxxx
Kylie & David
Hi All
We are just getting ready to leave Cairns heading north to the Daintree and Cape Tribulation.
Just wanted to let you know that our friends Shaun and Kelly have just purchased a restaurant in Brighton. We'd love you to support them given that we are not in a position to. The restaurant is called Rembroza. It offers modern cuisine. They are at 118 Church Street, Brighton. Contact them on (03) 9553 8344. Let us know what you think.
Hope you are all well. Keep the messages and emails coming.
Kyile & David
Meta Holdgate
Hi Guys
Have really enjoyed your blog and photos they are great. So nice to be albe to catch up on where you are at and what you have been doing and seeing. Very jealous - lovya and take care.
Di, Jessinta, Alanna & Bianca
What fantastic photos wish we were there with you although it wouldn't be quite so tranquil. Looks like you are having a ball. Website is great can really keep track of your adventures. Not a lot happening here, we saw High School Musical on Ice last night, really good. We are off to Canberra at the end of month for Bianca & Jessinta to skate. Catch up soon, have a great time.
Hi Kylie & David
I am sooooo jealous. We haven't been away for so long. It sound like you are having a ball. Hope David toe has recovered. Your hand didn't look so good either. Whitney & Jackson seem to have the same problem with mozzies. Maybe its a family thing. I remember Tracey Egan also. Looking forward to your new updates
Hi David & Kylie
You look like you are having a great time. felt like packing up & doing the same. All is well here dad & I just went to unit for easter. Crowd of us had bbq & then ended up in our unit til late. We are off next week to Barmera with 'The Legénds'which will be good fun. We are taking caravan. At last the weather has broken & had some rain feels really cold after our heat wave. It is great being able to follow you on this site & seeing your photo. Hope you enjoy your w/e Kylie & you have a good night at cricket club. Love to you both mum & dad
Hey Kylie
your trip is sounding fantastic. I am really enjoing the pics and blog. Glad to see you both well and enjoying this wonderful journey. We miss you here though!
Ron Reed
Hey guys, great to see you're having a graat time. Did you enjoy the run along Stockton beach and down to the Cygent. We go there and do some fishing each Chrissy. Greta pippies and terrific whiting !
We're about to head off to Wyperfeld for Easter. Weather looks to be mild.
Come end June and we'll be dragging the Onyx up to Darwin and then acrooss the gulf and down the Matilda Hwy so I'll keep you posted of plans wiith a view to the two Pioneers catching up !
Trust you're travelling well. Best wishes
Rob Petrini
Hi David and Kylie,
Looks as if you are having a wonderful time. I hope the rest of your tour goes smoothly!
David just to let you know, on Thursday 13th March, 2008, it will be my last day at the BoM. I have decided to follow the others and join the 54.9 club. My decision to resign/retire came rather quickly; it wasn't until two weeks before, that I realised what the figures meant. Anyway thats life. I now need to seek some kind of part time employment, in the meantime my efforts will be devoted to getting my home in order.
Thanks for your professional help at work and I wish you and Kylie a safe and happy tour of Australia.