Thanks for the post card. Love reading the journal, sounds great. Very jealous, can't believe the only decisions you have to worry about are which place to visit next! Here's us in snowy Huddersfield. Enjoy yourselves.
Hello you two! Thought i'd say hello, really enjoyed seeing your great pictures and catching up on your diaries- so much fun! I'm good, gave up job in February to have some time off so just relaxing (and shopping) and getting really excited about our trip to Europe in May-can't believe how fast it has sneaked up! It's lovely not working and spent some really nice time with our friends in London as well as seeing the lovely Helen- and saw Nick a couple of days which was great as haven't seen him in ages. Daniel is fine- he got a transfer to Manchester from London so has a job lined up for when we get back which is a major headache sorted (although he has to comute to Liverpool where his major client is based, but he's happy) My mum is a bit better but won't know until May if she has to have an operation so is kind of in limbo- although she's in this rehab program now where her and my Dad are off to do Thai-Chi and she's really excited about as she's a sweetie.
Take care, love you loads, Anna x
Danny, i'm getting a little concerned with the photo's of you on this site bud. Are you trying to create a portfolio for catalogue work???
Also why are you wearing beads? Please don't tell me Lucy is dressing you.
Anyways, keep enjoying mate.
Hey tanned / skinny bell and the boy moz!
Just spent my lunch break catching up on your journal and photo's. Wowzers! I really wish I was living the cocktail / beach life dream with you both!!! I have no news of great signifance to report on. Blondie had his eyes lasered last week and he can see clearly for the first time ever! It all went according to plan and he's back at work now - which is great. Not been up to much else really. Spending
Nice one Hels about your fancy new job as assistant head teacher. That's such an achievement. I bet you're chuffed to bits. Well done!
hi guys, so glad to finally catch up on all your exciting travels and its really cool to read about your experiences of thialand ( very familar what with the scanky smells, rooms and those tuk tuk drivers that take u bloody everywhere apart from where u actually want to go!!) I hope u retreat to the sactuary of the islands quick smart and get working on that all important tan!!
The reason i haven't been in contact 4 ages is cos of madness at work - i decided after all (with lots of bullying from the secretary) to apply for the assistant head job. I got shortlisted and had to do a b****** presentation on 'my school in 5yrs time' and evil interview last wed. Anyway i was treating it as all good experinece especially for my fast track thing so was trying to keep chilled (obviously this didnt really work, as I was actually speaking b******s for most of my interview!) But by some miracle the govenors offered me the job!! Which i accepted but am now very scared since im only in my 3rd yr of teaching and still spend most of my time making it up!! However, with the fancy job title i also get a massive payrise which always helps with the new house etc - but think i am going to have give blood, sweat and tears to justify it. Anyway i start after easter - so i am just appreciating my life at the mo where i still have a work/life balance!!!
Getting the job has had its down sides though as Janet (other F2 teacher and my mentor) obviously v. disappointed as she has been acting deputy for 1yr - so relationships have cooled between us - but im sure it will work itself out!!
I have been out and about celebrating this wk/end which has been nice. ive been to hull 2 c the girls and then sunday dinner with the fam at bagdon hall (early mothers day). Have been reading yours and james websites this evening catching up on more exciting things! James has just completed the inca trial - which looks absolutely amazing, if a little kanckering!! they have all been ill too. Will get russells email address 4 u guys.
Spoke to anna the other day - she is fine and her mum is getting better. but im sure she has or will be in contact with u to keep u informed.
Keep all the exciting info coming - enjoy the islands - remember im living through u now!
loadsa love, hugs and kisses hels xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rob And Phorsa
Yes yes! me and rob have just been checking out your journals, looks as tho your avin a great time, don't know if it compares with living on the dole in 'udders tho! party central up in here!
Robs off out to america to work in summer and tony C and CJ are gonna try come over and crash the party! save your pennys it'll be a rinsa!
anyway back to Trisha! in a bit! x
Cambodia looks so idylic it must be strange to think of the atrocities that went on there. Where are you going next? Your journals are so descriptive Lucie- very impressive! I just got back from New York on Thursday, was there for 5 days with my Mum and Albert. Amazing!! You will love it so much. I will give you all the guide books and stuff when you get here. Can't wait to see you both. Lots of Love Laura xx
Danny La Rue
could you please bring me a small portable walrus polishing kit, (as they are more rare than hens teeth in the UK), and i need to polish my walrus skin stillettoes and matching sun hat whilst on the move x x
Love you both Danny x x x
Hey you 2! Getting your journals is so bitter sweet - I'm so glad you're having such an amazing time - it looks wonderful, but am also very jealous! Lovely to hear what you're up to though - these journal things are really cool.
All's good here - am keeping the Lubek fire burning Luci -got 2 dates at Verve booked in 1st April and 6th May - wish me luck! Got no bloody graphic designer though Dan....
Anyway, keep having fun and keep safe little nomads.
Love Rebecca xx
p.s. hope to see you in New York!
Emily (Wakey Hospice)
Wow, what a fab time you both look to be having. Not too jealous being stuck here behind a desk watching you work your way round these amazing places! I've now moved into my new house which is keeping me busy. Thanks for all the updates - what a great idea and website to keep in touch. Enjoy. Em x
you are having a ball, what a wonerful place, all the colours and you can smell the food, I can't eat it though! Dont buy anymore handbags or else you will have to have a large case to bring them home. Have a great time, and I shall be keeping up either on my computer or your Dads I hope. Take care both of you, love you lots, from Grandma.
Andy Scott
Hey guys! Lovin the website... hate u for being in hot and sunny place... Jan has moved in with me so got no "me time". Kelvin doing really well though - walking talking, eating etc.
Sorry didn't reply to emals but things have been mad as you can imagine. Will stat cheking emails andyour homepage more often now things are a bit more normal.
Glad all is going well.... Speak soon. XXX