looks like ur having a gr8 time and doing loads. love all the pics so far and cant wait 2 c more. miss u.
Take care x x x
Aunty Ratchee
Ooooh Compton Swan will be back up and running when you get back Em. We can go for a bowl of soggy chips to celebrate your return!!
Loved the pics, you are all looking very healthy, Dannys neck looks like its not so red now. LOL. Look after that stray dog Mark! And tell Danny I think hes meant to lay on his front when he is having a massage. Just a suggestion!
Missing you loads, Shan and Mare send kisses xxxx
Thanks for sharing your pics :-) You all look really hungover lol.
oh talking about hung over...
simply to say i miss you....looks like you are having an awesome time though! im bout to get ready to go to work now - so take care and cant wait to see more pictures. Love you lots!!! xxxxxx
So good to see you two are having a good time, looking forward to more pics. Have a great time! X X
Its driving me nuts!!! im missing dannys neighbour already.xxxx BARNEY
hi em&dan,
Did a elephant sit on your phone or what? Lena cherry bena you need one of those inflatable ones.:) sam is missing you and danny and says hi. lots of love jane
Looking forward to the pics. Was it Emily who spotted the ladyboys first? Most men can't tell the difference.
Lots of love to you both
Gran xxx
Wow, it looks like you are having an amazing time, you won't want ot come home! Those pictures are amazing and random!
Mimi Flanagan
Hello Emily Danny and Mark :)
Iv only just worked this blog thing out!!...
Im missing you already and pictures are making me want to come and visit so much!
When you're settled in Australia im definitely coming to see u!!!
Glad to see ur having such a lovely time and taking lots of pictures..... did u get a new camera then??
Love you millions, make sure u keep safe!
p.s. mum says hello
Grandma Murch
Hi Em and Danny
Sent an e-mail yesterday from the shop but don't know whether I did it right!! You know me and computers. Glad to hear you are having such a fab time. Loved the elephant pics. Reminds me of Grandad and me riding on one in Zimbabwe. Keep safe and having fun. Love from us both Grandma
Jane K
Hello Em and Danny
Thanks for sharing your blog with me. It's great to hear what you have been up to and to see your piccies too. Looks and sounds fantastic ! Em - you might already know this - Vicky had her baby on 22nd 'Thomas'. Looking forward to the next update please. Have fun! Love Jane X