Heloooo! How are you both? My favourite pic is of dans pizzaria. It reminds me of the flames days! Check your emails for full gossip! helen xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Looks like fun guys.
Hi guys its me again! i've got the hang of it now so there's no stoppin me! Just showed my sis all your pics, she leaves in 5weeks for a year in Oz. Oh the jealousy is oozing out of me!!
Just wanted to let you know that the email i sent you got returned. can't be assed typing it again now but i'll fill you in with all the chat soon.
Big Kisses you beautiful people!
Love Aimes
Ok i'm a complete techno -phobe, and spaz for that matter! I've just realised what this is! I hadn't looked at it till now! Ah well. i've also just e-mailed so hope you get it ok.
Love you guys!
Aimes xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey you two!
Nice pics. Glad everything is going well. I'm going to New Zealand next week, so will be flying over!
Is it better to write on this or send an email?
Hows the van holding up?
hi dan an sarah happy easter from keith jill n jess in lowood hope you guys are havin fun fun fun cya's xxx
Hey guys! What a new look to the website- liking it lots! Thought i would have a quick squiz whilst trawling the internet looking for salopettes! Only 3 weeks til i go skiing now can't wait!
Stay well lots of love xxx
s*** guy's, i actually have just logged in to your site and guess what you nearly coming home!!! Im having a ball though, i should of done it ages ago, its great to see you in the pictures!
Nowt much to report, im milk bottle white, Adrian too...We're both looking very Scottish....But all's well!!
Miss ya millions, One love Nik x x
Hey to you both, your pictures are amazing i am so jealous of your tans... All is good with me just working 'too' hard and trying to save some money after christmas and new year (not going as planned!) love to you both and i miss you very much xxx
Hello Sarah, Chris (WB) here, It's friday afternoon and all is well in the Wulvern empire! Managed to have a look at your updated phots at long last and read your journal, all looks and sounds wonderful. Continue to enjoy yourselves and take care xxx
hello there!!!!!!! your tans are coming on nicely. I have goggle marks, i look like a clown though not a bronzed beauty! all is ace in the alpes, my boarding is getting pretty nifty! ive started jumps and some other narly stuff. all my love too you both and your family and everyone else that reads this! lovvve you xxxx
hi dan sarah hope you guys are well and enjoying sydney getting very dry an still no rain here best regards to you both xxx keith jill n jess.