So , What is next after Turkey? My friend Kevin will be there in istnbl June 28 to July 2 if you need a guest in the apt ;) skipped India?
Hi Cindy!
How are you? God youre brave girl! Im trying to follow you every week! I just received your post card from Roma! Omg! How Id love to be there with you! I LOVE PIZZA! When Christopher was there in 08. he wrote home saying it was the Best Italian food he had Ever eaten! Keep on tasting!!
Tom's coming over tomorrow to give me a roof estimate. I'll have to ask him if he's sending you any money for those weekly $6 massages you so desperately require! lol He's going to flip!! hahahaha!
I hope youre taking good care of yourself as best you can and rest as often as possible!
Im already thinking about my Summer 13' vacation! Where would you & I want to go? I'll wait and see whats left unseen after youve seen the world! I want to travel with the best tour guide! I cant think of anyone more experienced than you!
Miss You!
Beckie Shipley
Cindy - we just got your post card from The Temple Group - beautiful - they look like they were planted and are now growing! You'll see your daughter pretty soon now. Loved reading Lawrence's email - nice to see he's loving retirement!!!
Keep the blogs coming! Much aloha to you.
Lawrence Jackson
How are things going with you? Retirement is a lot of work and will probably kill me. As an example, first, there is preparation for going places, camping, recreation etc, and then there is the actual activity, and finally cleaning up after. Speaking of cleaning up after how are things going for you?
Mary and I, for our last adventure went to the coast up near San Simeon State Park. Walked down to the Beach and had a good time doing the - usual at the Beach stuff. On the way home I decided to… yes perform another dumbass act…that is take a short cut! With my enhanced path finding engineer skills I knew the highway was just over the hill, that way. So after an hour of pushing, wiggling, crawling, falling through stinging nettles, and poison oak, in my shorts and T-shirt, we reached the reach the highway. This was about 11 AM.
By 11 PM we decide to take me to the hospital as the nettle stings were making me crazy(er), I could not sleep or sit still. I had been walking for 12 hours, as the walking took the edge off the nettle stings. Nettle sting covering ones lower legs make the exposed skin feel like you are on fire. The walking, up and down hill some how relieved the pain. Stop and it came back. Thus everyone in the campground listened to me walking the camp ground loop in double time singing cadence…” left, left, I had a good job but I left, right left… had a good wife but I left, right left…you get the idea. I am sure all were convinced I was mentally disturbed. After a twenty mile ride to the hospital, the doctor decided there as absolutely nothing he could do for me, except me some massive shot of narcotics. Thus we could drive home. It hardly took the edge off.
The next day nettles were gone but poison oak had arrived to replace the thousand itching bumps with a thousand itching bumps. It is really surprising where you put your hands on ones body during the day. So for the last two weeks my life has revolved around itching and scratching. Mary with her own poison oak is ready to kill me.
I purchased a new Ford extended E 350, a cargo container on wheels, to replace the Chevy Astro we were using for camping. I am spending a lot of time getting it ready. We also continue to finish house details, such as spraying a bunch of molding. I didn’t spray before, but because I did not like the rollered molding finishes, am now spraying.
I got the Astro van ready for sale. There were none for sale until I listed mine now the entire population world is selling every Astro in Southern CA. I will probably have to send it to charity. Same with the Volkswagen Vangon Syncro. Tired of looking at them and I am not good at selling things. Oh well.
The cat and my mom looked like they were dying. The cat lived but Mom died. Now I am trying to deal with my five brothers and sisters as she did no leave a will. The real estate alone is a nightmare with houses and lots in San Luis Obispo, Templeton and Palm Springs.
I got some new medicine to help me with the shaking. Took it and slept for two days straight. It stopped the shaking.
Enough from me hope all is well with you.
Don Tran
Hello Cindy, how r u doing in Rome? I guess u r so happy rite now? I can feel what it is like to meet a family member again after a while of the seperation.
Wow, I can not believe it you've just completed a journey of 3 and 1/2 weeks thru Myanmar. Fabulous Cindy, I gave you an A on this achievement (lol). Keep it up more to get an A Plus, Okay?
It's good that you left the SE Asia to go Europe meeting with your lovely daughter. This change of the scenary will refresh your mind once you go back SE Asia again and for planned visiting Laos, Cambodia and my country Vietnam. I wish I could arrange so I will be able to meet you in Vietnam. If that happened then I wish you will accept my application now for me following you to give you a hand carrying the luggages and assisting you to fulfil your Journey of Travel Around The World . At least for me that I do not have the courage like you, but I will be able to complete the Journey of Travel Around Vietnam (lol). Let me know okay?
BTW, I am a little youger than you, but I am sure I do not have courage and health and metal toughness to do like you Cindy.
Thanks again for all the time you spent to work on this Blog. I will not complaint that you someday can not keep it up anymore. But, you at least you need to update the trail of travel map.
Don Tran
Hello Cindy, I am happy to know it seems like you have a great experience with your journey. I have been follow your trails since day one. I've been enjoy so much by reading whatever you wrote in this wonderful blogs. I sometimes wondered if I can have the gutt and time to do the same like you are doiing. It really is the chance of life time I think to be able to explore the world by taking time and relaxing to slowly absorb all things exist in this earth.
You are in Thailand now. I guess you will be in Camdodia and may be Laos next. I bet you that you have already cheduled in the journal in Vietnam. I do not know if you know that I was from that Country. It likes any other Countries in the world, there will be a lot of things to do and sight seeing in that Vietnam as well as the culture and the people. If you need someone to help you with anything, here is my nephew phone number that you can reach him (Khoa Nguyen) at 0903668011. He is curently living in Hochiminh City, Vietnam. I encourage you contact him since it always is good to have the local friend to get advice and have fun.
I will continue to follow your journey to the end. Thanks again and have a nice trip.
BTW, my personal email is [email protected] if you like to write to me.
Garrett Hennes
Happy mothers day mom
love garrett
Richard Bellah
Hey im glad you are having a great time. I just found the blogs im glad your well garrett is fine
Hi Cindy, This is Cathy from BKK. Met at the Burma visa place. I am so glad I met you. Even if so briefly. Admire you and your adventure. You are a brave lady. Please call me if and when you return to BKK. Would love to see you and hear your stories. Leaving for Yangon and Bagan on May 5 for about 5 days. Love your blog.
Hi Cindy! It's Connie from Perhentian. It was certainly great meeting you and I hope you're enjoying the rest of your stay in Malaysia. Great blog, by the way! I especially enjoy the random thoughts and discoveries.
Anyway, picking up where we left off, you can look for a netbook in Low Yat Plaza (opposite of Berjaya Times Square and accessible via Monorail).
In Penang, I can suggest the Golden View Service Apartments where they have reasonable rates and WiFi.
If you're heading to Langkawi, make your way to Cenang Beach. Everything you need will be there and transport services are readily available too.
Looking forward to your next post!
CINDY! I FOUND YOU! I think....
Wow! Youre really doing this! How I wish I could join you. You make it look so easy :)))) Youre the bravest woman I know! Love your pics! And your expressions! Is that you cooking with grandma?