Figured out how to find the blog! Hope all is good
Just read the blog what am I going to do with you 2. Don't answer that. All well here and everyone sends their love. Morgan at school for a taster day well 1-3p.m. on Tuesday. Let you know how he went on. Please take care and love you both xxxx
Andrea Kartus
hey looks like you are having a fantastic time love all the pic's keep them comming + safe travels love the kartus bunch xxx
Jennifer Bradbury
Told you to sliow down. James got 2:1 with merit in his masters. starts work 2nd July. NOW IN THE REAL WORLD? Glad you are having a great time and enjoying the trip. stay safe and all our live. AJ.
Jennifer Bradbury
Hope you had a good birthday.You will have to SLOW down at your age,. Everyone ok. Glad are having a great time. Stay safe. The kids want to know why Uncle Jonathan wees in a lake? love Auntie Jen. ak AJ.
Happy birthday Jonny!! Hope you get a hair cut for your birthday :) lots of love kate and adam :) xx
Terri (New Truck Owner)
Hi Derek
The truck is going us very proud even though it has probably been a shock to the system carrying so much exytra weight we love her and Jonny is looking after her very well
Nice that you are looking at out blog and thanks to you we have a great vehicle for our trip to South Africa
hi terri n jonny see u having fab time,
truck looking good,
am jeolous, looks like its doing the business.
good luck, derek and carole former truck owner.
W"ell you seem to be having a ball long may it continue hows the truck doing as i believe Terri doing most of the driving .Keep safe
Proper message from kate..... Jonny you need your hair cutting, Terri hope you looking after him haha. You two look like you having am amazing time, keep us updated and fetch me something back (summat good though im not intrersted in a bottle of evian i can get one of those from here) :) look after each other and keep enjoying it xxx
Point 4 on the things you both learnt the 1st day - don't let the Tezza navigate. Its funny that your obs of european driving almost exactly reflect those my brother had. He recommended leaving the car out of gear and handbrake off if you left your car parked in a european city - just so other drivers could shunt you outta the way to park!
Adam And Kate
Alrite you two just logged on to see if you were updating us but it looks like we'll have to wait a bit longer for an update. All is good home here, Robin has been talking about chopping next week so should be fun. Hope your having a great time.