Koh Tao looks bloody lovely jubley
Rodney yo
I don't think ya like it there to much yo
No message just addicted to solving sums ha ha ;-)
Hey mate x
It's been fab to hear about your amazing 1st week . Blimey has it only been a week you've done so much! Good on ya! Keep it up - enjoy the jungle ;-) can't wait to see lots more pics . X
Hi bud
I'm not jealous as I sit in me garden shivering me t*** off. You ain't half fitting a lot in and you've only been out there for a week. Keep up all the pics and blogs you got quite a following back here in sholing land.
Catch ya later
Mr. J. Ealous
Karma for that last message, just after I sent it we got pulled by the fuzz, after half hour of bein checked over they've taken our driver away, so the old bill are driving us the rest of the way to our hotel in hua hin, at least that's what we think ha, maybe they'll join us for a few bevvys!?
Sawadeekraa sholing, I know none of you are of the jealous type, so I thort one would let you know I am an hour away from hua hin, a lovely jubbly beach where we'll be spending the weekend topping our tans up and drinking beer on the beach, feel free to look the beach up on google images as I'm pretty sure your like it, if you need me I'll be walking on the beaches pervin on the peaches, LAAPPP ME UUPPPPP!! Laters
Oh cute pictures mate! No not yours the ones at the school ;-) ha ha. Sounds like great fun . Looking forward to this karaoke video lol xx
Woz u teachin them kids sholingo ?
Hello everyone, just leaving to go out on a trip, will write laters, lee a gentleman never tells! But I'm from Sholing so yeah . No spiders yet mate bit foods superb, speak laters people
Sounds like brill fun. We are enjoying the photos. Hope you didn't scream like a girlie when you met the frog. Haha. X x
Mate loves looking at your pictures she says mummy can I see mate on elephant ? Haha so she is going to draw you on an elephant at school today ;D , how was the BBQ have you eaten any spiders yet ?
Lee. Y
Looks like your having a great time Craigo. Have you pulled yet?