Normans explorations
Hi Everyone and welcome to Bangkok.
This place is like no other city in the world, it has evrything from markets to local culture, temples, pollution, hot wheather, and wild animals.
Its also very cheap with ciggerettes costing 47p. We have been everywhere like the Grand Palce the Wot Pho, Siam Square, the smelly canal, and the river that does have boats on it, it truelly is an experience and I recommend that you all cheak it out once in your lifetime.
I had my fortune read the other day and he told me a lot of stuff I already knew but some very intresting stuff that I did,'t but will tell you all about that when I come back.
Been to the other unsual sights for Amy's uses like the Vietnam Embassy, which she has got sorted out so the only thing left is to have her tickets re-issued.
The plan for when we reture from Vietnam on the 20th March, is to go straight to Koh Chang, and thats it, I would like to to go to the northern capital of Chang Mai, the locals tell me that it is a beautiful place, but I will probably end up buying more crap.
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