Hi everyone. İm in the centre of Turkey ın a place called Göreme. Turkey has definately been my favourite country so far. We started in İstanbul and it's a fantastic city. We weren't to sure what to expect with it being the first Muslim city that we visited but it's an extremely laıd back place with a great atmosphere. The city is dominated by huge Mosques which are very interesting to visit and also there is a huge market called the Grand Bazaar in which we got to practise our bargaining skills. We also managed to find a few bars as well!
Since İstanbul, it has been very cultural, we vısited the sight of Gallipolli World War 1 landings and the Ancient cities of Troy and Ephesus. After a few long days travelling we got to Göreme which is remarkable as lot of the buildings are carved into the surroundıng mountains. We got to see ıt from hot air balloon which was absolutely fantastic.
Next, we have 3 days of long travel which will bring us to the İran border which will be a real culture shock especially for the ladies as they have to be careful as to how they dress and they can't go out in public unaccompanied by a man. Also western style toilets are becoming more of a rarıty and they are basically holes in the ground. The weather has got really cold, one night it was -10 and İran will probably be more of the same. Spirits are high though especially after the stunning balloon ride.
İnternet conections are becoming rarer as we go so it could a while before İ can update the journal, probably the other sıde of İran so maybe in a few weeks.
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