Hi guys,
Firsty, as it is the 5th of October - Happy Birthday to Craig and Kevin!! We hope you both have a great day :) We have prepared a song for you (we are singing it but as we can't record here you will have to imagine our awesome harmonies)
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthdayyyyyyy dearCraigandKevinnnnnnnnn, happy birthday to youuuu-uu-uu.
Ok, now into the blog...
Sadly, we did not see Nessy at Loch Ness and therefore have no photos of her, so will just have to hoax one like everyone else does... The Isle of Skye was cool - a lot like NZ and we had nice hostels all around Scotland. We enjoyed seeing all the sheep just walking around on the roads there and the highland coos were awesome too :) Lynnie's highlight of Scotland (apart from the Saber-look-a-like cows) was going to a fountain/lighting show called Waltzing Waters in a little town near Aviemore. Courtney's highlight was stopping to talk to a sheep on the side of the road in the Isle of Skye who looked in the car window, baa'd at us and walked away pooing down the road. Aberdeen is grey grey grey but we liked Dundee as we managed to get our laptop fixed there for a reasonable rate, get Courtney some new shoes and donate our excess crap to the British Heart Foundation (successful mission all round) ... We ended our driving tour of Britain in Edinburgh, after 2000 miles of good times and headed for Dublin on Saturday.
We are in Ireland now. We have only been here 3 days and have already realised that the roads are crazier, there is more rain, things are more expensive, and the accents are harder to understand. However, we are still enjoying ourselves. We have had 2 nights in Dublin. We looked around the city centre and bought a few souviners. Then, as we were in a nice hotel (thanks for the recommendation Pippy), we watched a couple of seasons from a new tv series we bought, ate popcorn, and relaxed. It was like a holiday within our holiday :D
Today we are staying in Tramore "a beach holiday town" appartently, but it doesn't seem that way, what with all the rain and all. Oh well we are off to Cork tomorrow and will stop at Blarney Castle for a look and a spot of lunch.
Can you believe it is only 21 days until we return!! We have LOVED our trip but still love home too. We are looking forward to (in no particular order) seeing Saber and Disney and Abby and family and friends, eating real chocolate and popcorn, drinking Speights, and checking out all the earthquake happenings. We are not looking forward to being back in reality and working again.
Well, not long now and we plan to make the most of it!
See you all soon
Love, Lynnie and Court xoxoxox
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