Glad that youare having agreat time. The kittens are fine and had their claws cut tonight. They have really settled down well and staring to pinch Berties food. We are off to the pictures tonight to see the Changling. Michael and Babara have gone on hols we took them to the airport on Wednesday. have fun speak to you soon xxx
G'day Sheils & Brucey. Looking forward to seeing your photos. Sorry for waking you this morning, but hey, wot ya doing lyin in bed when there's a whole new experience awaitin ya!! I've been told that in Freo - thats aussie for Fremantle - learn the lingo Sheils - there's a romantic Macdonalds - deckking leading out to the sea where you can sit and watch the sun go down - no really!! Check it out!! Love ya xxxx
Oh and FYI - we had a starbucks every day in Hong Kong - in different branches too !!!!!!!! xxxx
Aussie Sheila - (Kate- Mate)
Thanks for all your messages. Sorry we havent been in touch, the internet access has been limited and our phones have been useless!! Having a fab time. Neale is much better now and is just in the gym! Typical! Making the most of the facilities. The hotel in Perth is amazing! Been into Perth City today and scoured the shops, very cosmoplitan, you could spend some serious cash here!! Weather fantastic. Just come back from Cottesloe beach which is just like a picture from "Home and Away", very laid back feel to it. Strangely not much in the way of xmas celebrations - Hong Kong went mad for it but here they're hardly even playing xmas music and not much in the way of deccies......everywhere closes (bars) at around 12am so we're finding a live music venue tonight recommended by an english taxi driver! When we got here last night about 1am the taxi driver referred to it as "south Korea" because the streets were empty! Lots of funny stories so far, esp in Hong Kong - strange restaurants and couldnt believe how many white men were with oriental women! Oh and Neale got accosted by a monk - that is a funny story!!!!! Just going to attempt to put some photos on. Hope all is well with everyone......lots of love Sheils & Brucey xxxxxxx Oh and mother, we are going to Fremantle tomorrow !!!!
Hi both - glad to hear you have arrived safe and well in Oz. You had any beach parties yet...or maybe Starbucks?!
You'll be please to hear that your sad weeping willow is starting to feel the benefit of love again and lifting the leaves above the base!
Not sure if you have heard about the freek weather warning for the UK - they reon it is going to be 25degress on the weekend!
Welcome to Perth, landing time 01.00am Thursday 18th December, Perth + 9 hours to UK time.
Enjoy thinking of you both
Hi both, great to hear from you tonight. Just wanted to say, I've sent an email to your hotmail Katie. Have great flight to Perth. The weather there is lovely. I think I told you, but in case you forget, you can travel all over the city on public transport FOC. lots of love xx Mom
Hi Holiday Makers!! Glad to hear you got to HK ok and that Neale is a bit better. Cant believe you found a Starbucks!
Recovered from Christmas do! It was a good night, have loads of photos to show you - there was lots of disco dancing!!
Work fine, your're still top of the league tables!! Have just deleted all the emails out of your inbox as I thought they would all be irrelevant by the time you get back!!
Choops got engaged!! Her boyf proposed to her in an apple orchard!?!
No other gossip or scandal! Looking forward to seeing some photos - have you eaten a goats ear yet?!!You should be embrcing the culture!! Dont even consider going to the gym - YOU ARE ON HOLIDAY!!!
Have fun and take carexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best Buddy
Hiya Peeps, Great to hear from you, sounds like you are having a great time and certainly making the most of your time there. Not missed much yet !! Have been checking out the weather each day and Aussie land is going be a hot one so be prepared !! oooohhhh how nice.
Nick's still feeling poorly, managed to go to work today but has felt rough alday.....this Man-flu mate it's terrible!! he says I just don't understand!!!
I can't believe I'm breaking up tomorrow wooohooo off to the pub for a few "cheeky" ones,then out on Friday with work, Christmas Party so i'll fill you in the weekend. Both Karen and Kezza have been asking about you, they wish you both well.
Text or mail you soon bute, take care and enjoy to the MAX x x x x x
Hi both only a quickie our Skype details are malandchris247, try and find a Skype computer with a camera.
Mum And Robin
Hello you 2, Glad that you are enjoying yourselves and that Neale is better. Robin has got a cough so we are hoping its going to be better for Christmas. The kittens are fine and doing lots of playing. They cuddle up together in their little bed and look really sweet. We are going to Chester Cathedral tonight for a Carol Service if Robin is OK. Tomorrow U Michael and Barbara are coming to stay the night and then we are taking them to the airport on Wednesday morning. They are going on a Caribbean Cruise until the New Year. Anyway, carryy on enjoying yourselves and we will write again soon xxxx
Sounds brill. Always fancied going to HK before we gave it back. Did you get my message about Delaynies (not sure about the spelling) bar on HK island? U John said they went there with Paula, Dave, Ken & Marie, had great time. Irish bar. Hope we can skype tonight. Love you xxxxMom