We left Colchester after breakfast and travelled to Harwich with no problems, arriving at about 8.45 so with plenthy of time. The trip to Portsmouth was uneventful and, finally, we had the first sight of our floating hotel for the next two weeks. Our cabin is good, with plenty of space to hang all of our clothes. After the mandatory muster drill, we had a look around our new home - very impressive too. Bar prices are reasonable and probably cheaper than those of a UK hotel.
We met up with others from Mr Bridge and had a superb evening meal - fresh fruit, vegetarian option, mousse and coffee for me, accompanied by a large glass of red wine. Very good company and excellent service. Lesley has joined the bridge players and I am having a relaxing evening with my book. Only quibble is the cost of the Internet connection, Ho hum.
Tomorrow is at sea, so there will priobably be no entry. We are supposed to be sailing past the oil and gas paltforms and there are some very interesting lectures planned. Already having a very good time.
- comments
jenny Sounds like it's all started well. Glad to bear it. Ship looks amazing. Lots of love.
Angela Sounds really good this is a trip we want to do one day. Ebba & Chester are happy and having plenty of longs walks and cuddles. We viewed some Cockerpoo/Cockerpoo cross puppies yesterday and we have paid a deposit for first pick on a litter later in the year. Not sure you will want to care for a big puppy like him but Ebba & Chester can stay with us anytime. The lady never has to advertise all word of mouth both of her two litters are sold before they arrive and the parents are great. Have a great time all sounds perfect.