Sorry I've not been able to send any more messages as the broadband supply has been NIL. Anyway I'm hoping it'll last long enough to get this through to you.
Are you still in Xi'an? Is it still cold? but most importantly has Emma managed to use the loos yet? She'll be a changed person by the time she gets home.
Anyway missing you loads Clare but with all thats going on here its just as well you're not here. Its been over 2 weeks since you went but it seems so much longer. Now you're into the realms of the journey being more than a standard forthnights holiday.
What have you got plannned next? No more long train journeys i hope.
I'm sending copies of your journals to grandad so he can keep up to date with what you're up to. (Well only the bits you're telling us!!!!!!)
I spoke to Vera today and she sends her love and apologises for not having caught up with the two of you before you left. I told her about the facebook and your journals and she's going to Vickys on Sunday and hopes to gain access then to read your travel pages.
I've been sending off your cards ok so far and we had a lovely invitation to Gemma Fewell's wedding on August 15th. Haven't replied yet.
Looking forward to you phoning soon as I do miss having a chat and hearing your voice. I hope your travels so far are living up to the expectations you'd set yourself.
Take care of yourselves Clare and Emma and can't wait for the next episodes. Lots of love and hugs as always. MUM XXX
Hello ,the photos are amazing what an adventure you are having sitting at my desk on a Friday I am very envious ...look forward to the next installment keep the stories coming lots of love
Gemma (Cousin)
Hey girlies,
Just looked at the photo's and I'm actually quite jealous, didn't think I would be after you mentioned about the 14hr train journey, don't envy you there but I am.
You both look like your having a great time and meeting loads of new people
Keep updating the journal and albums coz I want to see more.
Have fun and be good but if you can't be good, be careful as they say.
Love Gem
Sarah H-C
Hi Guys,
Looks like you are having the most fantastic time, i am extremely jelous and which i was off travelling the world than being stuck at work! Love the website, it's great to see your photo's and read your blogs - not sure if i fancy spending 14hrs on a cramped train though!
Take good care of yourselves and enjoy! Look forward to reading your next installment!
Love Sarah x
Hey Clare
Looks like you are having a great time although I am a little concerned over the amount of beer you seem to be consuming lol !!!
Things are pretty much the same here - Wedding Wedding Wedding !!!!
The photos are fab and I am totally jealous, it does sound like hard work at times I wouldnt fancy being on a train for 14 hrs !!!
An earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit England at around 1am this morning. It was felt from Newcastle to Southampton. But eh; dont worry about us; you just carry on enjoying yourselves! XX.
hey girlies! seems like you're both having a good time! i'm deffinately jealous! i see Sea told you about my parking fine lol, i don't know what he means by "i handled it well" lol, i was pretty p'd off to be honest! the photos look really good! Can't believe how iced over the lakes are! i'm suprised you haven't gone for a dip lol. i don't quite understand the picture of emma in the bathroom though, i take it they don't like privacy while having a poo lol?? anyway, can't wait for the next entry!
love Abi xx
Mum Sheils
My dearest Emma, won't you be surprised to see this message from me - I can't believe I found my way on to this site. I have just looked at all your photos - you both look great and the places look really interesting. It was soooo lovely to speak to you on Sat. I really miss talking to you. Paul and I are bonding well but he still won't do my hair!!! Kitty is fine and Mogs is still her boyfriend. She is sitting on my lap as I am writing this. Back to work tomorrow, I really enjoy it and it is really busy so the time goes really quickly. I have been getting up ok but miss my cup of tea!!! Have a good week the 2 of you enjoy all your adventures and speak to you soon. Stroke Clare for me - I am sure she misses that. Take care of eachother love you loads -Mum
Hi Clare
Amazing photos and it all looks ike great fun. I'm slowly getting around the website. By the time you get home I may have mastered it.!
Miss you loads and the coughs got worse and there's no-one around to tell me to SHUT UP Ha Ha
Spoke to Sheila today and she's coping well. Enjoy yourselves and I'll keep trying to master the website. Hugs and Kisses Love Mum XXX
Hiya Girls,Hope you're both having a great time? It's been very quiet without you.It was Nancy's bday yesterday so mum, Sid, Abi and I all popped over there to see her. She seemed very happy and was showing us all her presents. Eileen was telling us how Finn has been copying Jeff around the house when he's smoking. Something along the lines of, Finn follows Jeff through the kitchen into the dining room, gets a pen out of the draw, then the ash tray from underneath the sink and stands next to him pretending to smoke his pen, then when he's finished, he walks back into the kitchen and puts his pen in the bin lol (thought that would be a nice little image for you both). Julian has now decided that he wants some Ugg boots, which got me a bit concerned as at the time he was also wearing pink fluffy slippers and a fluffy chocolate dressing gown (teenagers????? Lol)Anyway Clare, it's mad a home with all the decorating going on in mine and Paddy's room. Mum has just fallen ill with a saw throat, so I'll leave you to imagine how loud the coughing is now lol. Jade is now doing the fashion shows with Paddy and I think her 1st one is in March. Abi got a parking fine at Uni yesterday, but surprisingly, handled it pretty well. Paddy nearly shouted the roof off yesterday after Man U equalised in the football and Sid has finally finished the downstairs cupboard and as a result will probably be resting for the rest of the year.Love you both loads and keep having fun.
Seamus xxx
John Allen
hi clare got into your website ok
great to see what you are up to keep us updated
chat soon love john sue and dad xx
Paul & Sharon
Hello darling. Great to hear from you and delighted that you have copied us in. I'm surprised to hear that you went around the corner for 'a chinese'? Don't the locals go around the corner for 'an English'? Looking forward to the next instalment but before I go, remember the 3 golden rules; 1 Take care. 2 Don't fall out. 3 Enjoy. Lots of love S & P