Glad to hear you've arrived in Thailand lafely and having a great time. Hope your keeping your nice white trainers clean Claire. Take care and have fun and I will contact you soon. xxx
Auntie Carrie
Hi girls, Glad to hear you are safe and enjoying. Take care all,
Lots of love
Auntie Carrie xxxx
Jacquie Costello
Hi Claire + friends!
Great to see all the lovely photos and it already sounds like you're having the time of your life!!! Take care xxxx
Laura Letchford
Hi Girls! SOOOOOO jealous can't believe you saw all those animals! Glad your having a good time! Missin you loads! Keep on updating this it is wicked to see the pics and hear what you have been up2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Laura Letchford
Hi Girls! SOOOOOO jealous can't believe you saw all those animals! Glad your having a good time! Missin you loads! Keep on updating this it is wicked to see the pics and hear what you have been up2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hannah Letchford
Hay girls glad ur all ok...missing u lot already!!!! xxxxx
Louise Carter
hi ting tongs
glad you got there okay - sounds like the airline see you coming claire - chicken kiev ha ha! hope you all have a fab time xxxx
Rachel Kerr
Hello Turtles,
Hope you have had your first turtle head by now ha ha xx I can not believe it you have gone, the adventure has just started for you lot. I read about your first day bring on the pampering you have made stacey well jealous i recon. So sorry turle did not say goodbye properly did not get in till silly o clock then got up late work was on my case. I should give up the drink. Well just imagion on monday i woke up and my face was huge oh yes rachel is allergic to alochol. No sympathy spared all self inflicted that is what bing drinking is all about ay. Got to learn how to spell. Have a wicked time keep in touch can not wait to read your next blog. xxxxxx
Hello My Lovelies,
Glad you're all ok, I'm loney without you both! Jen my toes need doing and Claire, its so quiet without you man!! haha!! xxx
Lucy Penn
Jenn, Laura said to tell you she now has MSN so next time ya logged on give her a shout xxxxx
Tanya Frederick
Hi Chicks
Glad your all there safe and sound, missing you's all already and its only been two days!!! xx
Stacey Smeeth
Hi Chicken
Glad u all got there safe and sound!! still getting over the party - what a nite!!!! cant wait 4 the welcome home party! ha