Hi guys
Was fab to see you in melbourne and sydney. Am so jealous that you now get to travel for another 2 months and we are back home :-(
Hope you have an amazing rest of your holiday and the weather gets better now that we have gone and stopped jinxing it for you!
We will e-mail any good pics we have when we've had chance to go through them.
Take care and happy travelling.
Polly and Andy xxx
Hello Claire and Andy, What great photos. So envious about you having seen the cricket, but you could have bought England some good luck!
Happy New Year, it was great to speak with you a few times over the last week. See you when you find a place with a webcam again!
Matt x
Looks like you guys had a fab Christmas!! So glad you are loving it - can't wait to hear all about it! And thank you sooooooo much for remembering my birthday whilst sitting by Sydney Harbour Bridge - wasn't jealous at all, you lucky monkeys!!!!!! Happy New Year + love to you both! Keep enjoying it!
Lisa And Marc
Hi there,
Happy new year! I like the Christmas Day photo's they are really good. You look like you are having a really good time, I can't look at too many photo's when Marc is around as he is getting the bug for it, oh no!
I bet the time has gone quickly, not a lot of news to tell you other than it is wet, windy and blowing gales, nice!
Have a gret time and love to you both.
Love Lisa and Marc xx
Hi Claire anad Andy
Happy New Year to you both.
Saw you on the telly yesterday at the Sydney New Year Celebrations! Picked you out from millions!
Lots of love and good wishes.
Hi this is stubby...no-one knows that I am sending this meesage and just wanted to say miss you loads and love you more...he he he!!!!
Was fab to speak to you both, we are glad you had a fab time and it made our new years to speak to you all
We are back at the flat with more vino waiting for the pizzas to be delivered!!!!!
Lots of love and new year kisses!!!!!
Everyonexxxxxxxxxx (one kiss from each of us!)
Trudy, Keith And Co!
To the Travellers!
Hope you had a really good intro into 2007!!
All the very best for the rest of the year.
Lots of love from us all.
Sar And Chell
Hey you two! HAPPY NEW YEAR (Almost!)
Hope you are well and still having a fab time with everyone in Sydney, we are vvvvv jealous!
We are staying in tonight to prepare ourselves for new years tomorrow so taking it easy with a bottle of wine and a chinese : )
Love you loads and looking forward to more drunken songs from you all!!!
Sar and Chellsxxxxx
Lil Cuz
Hi you two!
Hope you had a lovely christmas, sounds like you did, what a shame you had nothing else to do ecxept drink!! Sounds awful!
keep us all posted, trying to teach uncle Neil's brother how it all works, think it's all too much for him though! bless!
love Ems xx
Sarah, Luke, Maria And Chris
Hi Guys,
Happy 27th!!!!!!!!!! We are here with Maria and Chris getting ready to enjoy the wonder that is the 27th! We have invested in a DVD version of Bullseye and are also going to play the old favourite that is 'Name on the head game'. We will be thinking of you loads and will toast you with everyone later. Maria sends her apologies for not being in Melbourne. However, we are very pleased as we get to see them instead! It was fantastic to speak to you on Christmas Day. Best Christmas present ever!!!!!!!!!!
Loads of love
Sarah, Luke, Maria and Chris X X X X
Joyeux Noel! (Thats proper French that is...... or in Australian - Happy Crissy).
Great to speak with you today. Glad to hear you got the Xmas dinner sorted (plus free booze!)
Matt and Lianne xxx