Loving it lads, it like a soap! You're even leaving us with cliff hangers, stay tuned for the next episode is it what!
Good to see your having a good time, yea Liverpool are top, you have got the internet on the other side of the world then, must be able to see that Villa are sitting pretty in 3rd to then!
Mum J
Hi Both,
Great surprise to get home from work today and read and see how you're enjoying Australia. Sounds like you're having a great time. Not sure which one of you looks most like the gorilla!!! xx Must be getting warmer as Jacks gone for a hair cut as well!!
Thank your hosts very much from us for giving you both a fab start to your travels. Ants and Harley have just come in, so have told Harley he get's a special mention!!
Look forward to the next update.
Take care, lots of love Mum J
Hi Chris
Hope you are still enjoying
yourselves just to wish you both
a happy christmas and a great
new year keep safe
Hi guys
Great photos.C likes to be in them I see.j a liitle shy.
Looks such great fun and your blog reads brilliantly.enjoyed it.
Hope Oz is as much fun .
Have a wonderful Xams & New year.I will be in the sun in Dubai-cant wait.
Keep in touch.
Neil James (Coops-Innit)
JB hope you're having a good time - shame you might miss out on the pool actually winning the league this year - though if that is gonna happen i could see you booking a flight home for it.
Keep living it up and enjoy the ladies. If you need a hostel in Melbourne btw - cokers in st. kilda is a good shout.
Take it easy buddy- have a good xmas and new year.
Shane Richardson
Hey Chris,
Sounds like you're having a good time... thats something i want to be doing in the future ... really hope you have the time of your life.
Rita (Gabba Gabba Gabba)
Hey Jack, great to hear from you ! WOW so you have set off on your big adventure ! Good for you, well done, enjoy and see eveything and experience everything, well almost everything, all safe things anyway! Hope your planning stop of to WA - Jack the "lucky shag is choice this time of year"! Looking forward to your next adventure!
Stay safe ! Love Rita
Big Sis And The Lil Man
Have just managed to catch up with your 1st of many blogs. sounds like you had a wkd time in HK. you do sound and look like typical tourists though!! wat is it the say... you can take the boy out of Bristol but you can't take Bristol out of the boys.
take care both of you and haope to speak to you soon
P.S you carry on at this rate and you will both come bk 2 stone hevier not lighter as expected.
Sis and the very excited Dylan x x
Hi Mate See you are having a great time keep on enjoying yourself, stay safe
Love Grandad & Steph
Wicked stuff boys!! Looks like you both settled in well... INTO THE BEER!! The pictures and blog are really good.
Have a wicked Christmas and new year!!
Take Care, Lots of love and Sparkles
kat xxxxx
Top show boys, pictures are great glad to see your both having a quality time, Barnes Masc on a flight to HK id like to knowwhy!
Im sure your all too aware were still top of the league.
Best piece of advise i can give you is dont go near Italy apparently they dont like the english were thieves who steal suits (You know what there like Jack make mountains out of mole hills)
Enjoy the rest of the trip, looking forward to the next blog, take care
Pictures look good. The interesting one's will come when you chose food over getting your barnet cut and resort to an elastic band instead of hair gel...