Tuet mr leid dasi ersch iz schriibä, isch hie aber nid so eifach mitem I-net. Wirdä mr aber müeh gä au paar Tag ächli öpis chönnä zschriibä. So isches ou mite Fötäli. Leider müässi die no gad chlei warte
Dr erschti Tag im Outo wäri gschafft......und ig ou. Ig bi mitem Bus vom Hostel zur Outo Pick up Location gfahre. Das het zimli närvä brucht, wüws ä fahrt vo 30min. isch xi und ig doch nid ganz sicher bi xi obs de o würkli dr richtig Bus isch. Wies hie in Neuseeland aber schiinbar so üblich isch, het mir dBusfahrerin gholfä und so bini de du doch no safe acho im Büro
Det hani de du mis Outo,d'Jimbo in empfang gno umi ufä Wäg gmacht richtig Nordä. Ig hamer das mitem Links fahre würkli nid eifach vorgstellt. Aber läck mir......ha plötzläch äs "Tete a Tete" gha mitemne Lastwagä.... jänu. Isch nüt passiert (är hetsech sicher dänkt: doffi Touris
Die Küste uf zfahre isch suuper schön xi, dür fasch Dschungel artigi Wäuder, grüäni Landschaftä u schöne Küschtene na isches gange. Ig ha du de in Mangawhai Heads ä schönä Strand gfungä mit vilnä Surfer, umi entschidä det über nacht zbliibä. Camped hani ufemne Parkplatz näbä 2 "Hippies". Corina und dr David. Sie si u härzig xi u heimer xeit si luegi zu mir u heimer de no ganz viel cooli Tips chönnä gä woni härä söu o wo nid.
Great, survived the first day on the road. Lost some nerves though I took the Bus from our Hostel to the Car Pick up Location. I was seriously nervous, since I wasn't a 100% sure if its the right Bus. But the BusdriverLady helped me with her sweet Kiwi-Attitude, and dropped me safely at my destination. I was sooo relieved.
Well, I picked up my car, Jimbo and took off up north. I wasn't expecting it to be easy driving on the left side of the road. But it actually does creep me off. I actually kinda had a "date" with a cemi.... nothing happend luckily.
Driving up the scenic road is fantastic. You pass kinda Jungle Forests, Beach Coasts and green landscapes. The whole thing. I found a wonderufl Beach at Mangawhai Heads and decided to stay the night there. I was camping in the Parkinglot becide 2 "Hippies", Corina and David. I was having a nice chat with them and they gave me awesome insiders where to go next.....we'll see where the road takes me......
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