Chichén Itzá is an ancient Mayan city and one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. I had a tiring day trekking around the site in the sweltering heat - it was an amazing, exciting place to visit.
The main building, El Castillo, is extremely impressive - a huge pyramid with steps on each side guarded by stone serpents. It was built in accordance with the movements of the sun and on both the Spring and Autumn equinox shadows in the shape of a serpent are created there.
Chichén Itzá comprises many many buildings spread over a huge area. A couple of other buildings that particularly stood out for me were the sinister Wall of Skulls - a wall with thousands of skulls carved into the stone; and the Great Ball Court where ball games would have been played - there were carvings on the wall of ball players being decapitated. There is also a large Cenote Sagrado - sacred well - 60 metres across and 25-30 metres deep. I saw a couple of big lizards crawling around that area.
I grabbed some food at the restaurant there before boarding the bus to Cancún and the waiters and waitresses put on a performance in which they danced with beer bottles and even whole trays of beer on their heads - quite bizarre, definitely worth a tip!
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