This is my last day in Sydney as I'm leaving for Melbourne tonight by bus. Since being here I've met so many great people, mainly at the Jolly Swagman backpackers' hostel. When I first arrived I felt really lonely but all that has fortunately changed. I've been hanging out with French, Germans, Swedes, Swiss, Canadians, Americans, Aussies...oh yeah, and 1 or 2 English too.
If I had to choose my favourites, it would have to be my 3 German 'sisters' - Lena, Inca and Maggie. On my plane journey here I sat next to a grumpy middle aged German woman who did nothing but tut, whinge, fidget and use up all the armrest room throughout the entire flight. After that and a few other experiences I'd made up my mind that I hated Germans. Within 24 hours of being here I had to eat humble pie. The 3 afore-mentioned ladies have been an absolute pleasure to hang out with, playing poker, telling jokes and even sob stories. It just goes to show that you can't make generalisations about nations. We've now got a deal that we'll meet up for the Munich Oktoberfest in September. Similarly, the French guys here have been a total blast.
I had so many things I was supposed to do whilst here - climb the bridge, take a ferry, go to the zoo, visit museums. Apart from the odd bit of city walking, I've done nothing but spend time with great companions. I have no regrets other than I have to move on! So, Melbourne tonight, then on to New Zealand the day after tomorrow.
Life is still good...
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