Your sister has had her site ofr a day and already theres more to see on it then yours!
Alteratively, give us some inforamtion. Where are you, what you up to? Nothing to complecated, didn't you buy that fancy new computer? use it.
Hoping all is well and good,
See you in the summer
sawadi ka nong chai, pi sau reporting in here... according to your site you're still in thailand. according to mine, you left quite a while ago. sabaiadee mai? sanuk i hope. check out my site. not up to date yet but i'm getting there. love you. g
i can't believe "they" ** out 's h i t e'. have i fooled them this time? i think i had a dream that you were going to the uk but only for a couple of weeks then you were coming to live here! was that a dream? or is it true? tell me it's true! hey josh'll be in melbourne in march. does that sway you? oh i know,i know, you're onto bigger and better things. i'm just jealous and want to come with you! xoxo say hi to that sexy sister of yours for me.
Hi Sweetcakes. I am now in Bangkok, I arrived last night. I have a week left then I go to the UK. Ithin I will miss the sun. I can already feel my sweet tan fading. I am not in my PJ's but I am in shorts and a shirt, much like I have been for the last 5 months. Oh I love Thailand. There will be more photos soon.C xx
MY LOVE!HELLooooooooooooo! Skeek was talking about this site lastnight, and we'd both forgotten the site name, but I've tracked it down,tracked you down and now wooaaaahahahah you'll never be rid of me. i thought you were justt really s***e at emailing, that's because i forgot about this. uh duuuh.your photos make me very jealous, so so beautiful.nothing exciting to say from here,it's a weekday,after lunch,and i'm still in my pj's!!ah haaa, i do it so well. miss you sqiurrel xx
Chris, you have heard correct!
I'm booked on a flight out of this cold country on the 15th of Janurary sraight to Bangkok!
With any luck you will still be in the region for some fun times. yeah!
Give us something to be jealous of, ie a couple of photos. Guess no news is good news.
Take it easy
oops i see that it is now. I wrote some nice stuff from an island on the west coast of Scotland, but your site wouldn't pick it up. Anyway tricks are good just got back from a month out of Findhorn, spent 2 weeks in Austria with Andy which was great, very chilled lots of rest and swimming in the lake every day. Boy the Austrians are into eating meat, were talking breakfast , lunch and dinner. oof, they had to roll me out of there, although the liver balls weren't my bag. and the cakes oh the cakes and oh the shame Then 2 weeks on |Erraid working while a few of the members were away on holiday. So its good to be home now. when do you get into the UK, come and visit it would be great to catch up, mum was asking after you and thanks for looking after little Kris and Teva we appreciate it. I'm thinking of staying working in Findhorn until next summer Im still working on the Ecovillage Training then a Findhorn Youth reunion to prepare and after a move down to Glasgow, after 3 years long distance it had to happen some time. Hope your good Love to you xxZoe
is this fricken thing working yet?
hej kompis,
amazing to see your stuff going on on here. really looking forward to seeing you over this way soon as, well, soon as we do! life in göteborg is great so far, no work but going to school, doing a swedish course. cant wait to hear what you're up to next. be safe and be happy mate. talk soon. love ya.