I know we're not allowed to mention the C-word on this message board but England have won two ODIs this week. Watching Robbie Williams live on TV he's as good as ever according to mum. You both look well and seem to be having a great time on the latest photographs. We seem to have lost the Buddha's lately! Glorious beaches though.
OOOhhh yeah, well make sure they don't expect too much from us - we'll have been away for a while then & will probably smell worse than the llamas!!!!
OK peeps, there are some more photo's to view from Vietnam, sorry about the lack of commentary but we want something to talk about when (if) we get home, don't you know.
Additionally, we would like to express how deeply saddened we are by the loss of Steve Irwin - Dangerous the Crocodile will never have a more worthy opponent! Crikey!
In Saigon today & off for a trip across the Mekong (again!!!) Delta then into Cambodia, so comms may be sporadic for the next few days - just like it has been from you lot!!!! Sort it out!!!
ooooh, beach ... ooooh, coconuts. Erm, anyway ..... hanging out in London with the parents at the moment, then off to Edinburgh for work, then Dad's b'day train extravaganza, then Tom and I are off to Argentina for 3 weeks. Of course, we're only going so we can prepare the ground for your long-awaited arrival there ..... we'll oversee the hanging of banners, laying of carpets, rose petals etc .... its all for you
Hi Emma
Just got back off my hols in Zante, had a brill time but not as good as you're having!! Better tan than yours though :-)
Night out in town Saturday, we'll have a drink for you xx
Errr.... 'Mudkarting' accident????? Has he been putting the fiesta through its paces off road?
Not heard from anyone for a while but then we've not done anything interesting for a while!!! Just sit of beaches & drink coconuts.
Caz & Dave
Hi Ch'em
Just back from our hols/wedding in France. Got off our flight yesterday and straight into a cab to change for Amy & Johns wedding in Kensington Gardens - how glam is that? Just had the hoggies and Bronwen for tea - have you heard about Jons 'mudkarting' accident!?! xxx
The wedding went well photos to follow.
Caz now has the Bali guide for Jean and Bernard.Happy travelling.
Re haircut,oops tee hee
he he i just cut chris's hair! it looks really good! (well i think so anyway)
Jean And Bernard
Janice and Keith,'The Lonely Planet guide ' would be very useful, thankyou
that sounds like a plan, well mum and dad do you want to have a read up on bali? you may not want to know about the toilets though..... amazing how quick you get used to them!
we just went to our first beach!! hooray!!!
Good you are enjoying Vietnam.Look forward to photos.
Do Jean and Bernard want Lonely planet guide we can give it to Caz at Aimee,s wedding to pass on to you?