Finally the moment in which I thought would never come, actually arrived. At one point I had to ask nanna to pinch me to make sure I wasnt in a dream. We headed to the airport at about 7.30pm for a 10.50pm flight which actually seemed to go pretty quickly. I even started my shopping early at the Victoria Secret store in the perth airport hehe. But honestly the hardest part was leaving mum :( It only just hit me that I wont be seeing her for two months, the longest Ive ever gone without her, and although its going to be the best two months of my life I cant help but already miss her. At the moment we're at Brisbane International Airport waiting to go through immagration and customs etc. oh and poppas already asleep snoring next to me. Sweeet ;)
I cant believe we're actually on our way! As much as I dreamed about this moment for so long I never thought it would actually come. Something inside me felt it was too good to be true. We now have a long 13hr flight ahead of us but if i keep reminding myself whats on the otherside of that 13hrs, im sure ill pull through :D Next stop, LAX!
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