hey everyone, hows it goin back home??? ne good, coz AUS is awesome! arrived in perth airport on friday but had a 15HOUR WAIT!!!!! u must think im joking but no its true!! it was cool tho coz we just jumped in a cab and went to the nearest town and chilld there for a bit had a look aroud. Got to cairns saturday early doors at like 5am and it was raining!! since then we have just chilled round the town and at this lagoon place that is here, cos ur not aloud 2 swim in the sea cos there are crocs so they have built this huge pool which is really nice. Then a couple of days ago i met up with Winch in the local Irish bar to watch England get absolutly inialated by ireland!!! not good. then last nite chess bunped in2 four lads from her 6th form and we are meetin up with them and the rest of the lads from gordons 2nite 4 ollies bday, winch is coming along 2 so it should b a good nite. last nite we went 2 cairns reef casino which was awsome, watched a few ppl loose thousands, only lost $20 myself tho, winch nearly lost $150 and chess was 2 scared 2 play cos she didnt no ne of the games, but she says she will play if we go agen. Today was wicked we went diving on the GREAT BARRIER REEF!!!!!! yes!!! another tick on the list!!! saw every amazing fish there is to see out there and a couple of huge turtles. the dive was like half an hour and we were alowded to snorkel of the boat for the rest of the day!!! awsome !! anyway better go now. spk soon
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