Early morning today, and a long bus ride to Rio El Nuhil, but worth the drive. River rafting on a class 2-3 river. Perfectly safe, and enough adventure to be loads of fun!! The river is a beautiful green color, and there are gorgeous weeping trees hanging into the river. Sierra went over, but I'm pretty sure the guide set that up-- the guy in front of her was really struggling to stay on too. It was a river that had a stretch of rapids followed by calmer water in pretty regular intervals. She was in no danger at all. One of the other people had actually jumped in just for fun right before that. There were a few people from our bus on the raft, and a very nice Argentinian family who had a blind son who was about Kades age. He loved the ride! At first he was in the middle of the raft, but then part way through he changed places with someone else so he could paddle too. Really nice to see. We hit the rocks on the edge a couple of times, but nothing scary. Such a beautiful place!! Makes up for numerous hours on a slow moving bus!!! The last 2 nights we were in a private room at the hostel for the same price as the dorm - I assume the dorm was full. That was nice because we could charge up all our batteries, devices, etc without being so mindful of keeping them out of sight. I also was able to wash some clothes and hang them up to dry. Tonight we are back in the dorm and traveling again tomorrow. The beds here are not as great as the past few dorms, and there is more traffic noise,but the city is lovely, and we have been busy enough that sleep still comes pretty easy. Next stop Barioloche. We decided to skip Pucon since the reason we were going was for a hot spring, and we were just at one yesterday. It also required 2 border crossings- back into Chile, and then to Argentina again. Barioloche is a big skiing town, and apparently has some beautiful mountain lakes. I am writing this post on the bus back after rafting, and we will be back late- so I will try to post this before we leave tomorrow. Good thing we have a day on a good bus tomorrow ( this one today is like a collectivo van). I could use a good long sleep!!! Lol! Sierra is feeling worn down and a bit homesick tonight. I told her to call Ken. Hope that helps. It was a very long day, and the atmosphere in this particular dorm is fairly tense. It feels like people have been fighting befeore we came on the scene. Thats tough when you are on your last bit of endurance. You can pray for us both if God brings it to your mind. We are so very blessed to have so many people to miss!!! Love you all!! Moving on tomorrow- God always has A good plan. Can't wait to see you all again.
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