despite the apparent gayness of this picture, i would like to explain that i was looking past scott at the tv highlights. Scott was, however trying to gaze into my eyes in a totally gay way. shameful
Despite Doug's attempts to cover up his bentness, he is infact staring into my eyes, like he was most of the night in awe of my rugged good looks. Shameful. I've told him many times it will never happen between us and that he's got more chance with Tommy Owen, who we all know is gay, despite being wedged in the closet. ;-) love you really Tom. I myself am totally straight.
Doug despite the apparent gayness of this picture, i would like to explain that i was looking past scott at the tv highlights. Scott was, however trying to gaze into my eyes in a totally gay way. shameful
Scott Despite Doug's attempts to cover up his bentness, he is infact staring into my eyes, like he was most of the night in awe of my rugged good looks. Shameful. I've told him many times it will never happen between us and that he's got more chance with Tommy Owen, who we all know is gay, despite being wedged in the closet. ;-) love you really Tom. I myself am totally straight.