guys, love the photos......could you bring me back an elephant!!!
I can't believe anyone can spend that amount of money in Tesco as we struggle to spend £30 to use our vouchers!!! He probably totally furnished a flat and bought a years food...
Glad you are happy in Chiang Mai, sounds like you are finding your feet and being able to translate what the guidebooks really mean. We found colonial meant it hadn't been touched or even cleaned since the 1900's! Have fun with the bugs - check your shoes before putting them on eh? xx
Good god Suze, if you're XL in Thailand then I'd be one of those obese women we write stories about... Do you think I could make some cash and flog my story to the Thai version of Take a Chav??! xx
Stuart Kuczynski
Are you sure you didn't take the picture of that butterfly Mike, come on son, we know what you're like?! I saw the tank top.
Trip sounds great so far, did you swim on those falls - they looked cool?
Are you catching up with the Villa scores or watching any games at all?
Caroline Hartley
Hey you to seem to be having a fab time! Your hair is growing in the warmth Suz - Mike, not so much for you. And love that even if you are sleeping on buses Suzie makes the effort to defy the humidity and get some eyeliner on. I have no idea how you have got it to stay, I imagine it's following much praying in Buddist temples.
Those tree wrappings are either at special places where prayers have been said or where someone has died like our shrines.
And although I don't believe you can ever have too many pad thais, have you not embraced the wonder that is the massaman (sp?) LOVE them.
Glad you are having fun, remember to say hi to the monkeys and have a coconut and banana pancake for me xxx
ps and what's with the maths test to leave a message?!?!?
Jeez Stu! Harsh! Theres no need for that!
Hope the two of you are enjoying it over there! And mike you'll get tape worm if you eat too much pad thai! thats what it looks like anyway! Get to a Burger King, quick!
Up the Villa!
Brother Stu
I love you bro...more than doug...take care
Laura And Alex
You must check out the most ridiculous museum ever - its next to the bridge over the river kwai. You've never seen such a museum in poorer taste - so much so, Alesx actually did a poo on the roof!
Shame....Oh you guys must be bored!! Lol..
Im reading your blog site Sat late evening - Im not in the least bit envious (its so bloody cold in my house!).
Well the Cheethams newly weds tour is off to an excellent start, Im glad to hear and see you are already settling into the backpackers dream of a life.
Ill keep reading your updates and we will try and send you some videos from home of little Floyd (doing really well - sleeping now 10 hours through the night - great!).
Love Pen & Stu
PS Tip for the bites, I found when I went to Cuba that the jungle spray didnt work, you need to buy what the locals use - the midges dont like it!!
Lovin the pics of the beach bungalow - sooo jealous. Remember the Richard debacle? Weelll the reality of THAT hotel room was somewhat different. Yes it really was that bad!!
Hope you're both having an amazing time. Sandwich man has just arrived as if on cue while I'm sending this!
Miss you loads, Sxxx
PS Never thought you'd cross over to the 'dark side' and eat at McDonalds??!!
Laura Kennedy
Ah you lucky git Cheethams - bet those pre xmas drinks seem a million miles away now. Any chance you two are going to be in northern Indian in mid August (we're hoping to go on hols there).
Have you been seasick yet on your way over to the islands (if not, you will be) Make sure you go to Kho Phi Phi - its ace.
Miss Soooosaaaaan made me laugh lots!
Have fun you gits
I don't know why you're bothering doing all this travelling stuff, It looks and sounds absolutely s***e!!
Stay safe and really enjoy life.......Mike bartering , I wish he'd done that here