28th April- 1st May 2012
The last stop of my Indian Adventure! As I arrived in Mumbai airport I couldn't quite believe that in a few days I would be leaving the country for a least a few years before I save up my money to go back anyway!! The taxi drive into the city was exciting! As we drove across the bridge I was really looking forward to the next few days. I checked into the Red cross youth hostel and within 5 minutes of putting my bag down had an invitation to work at a wedding that night! After having lunch with Hannah, a girl from the hostel we returned to get ready for the evening. There were four of us going in total and out instructions were be ready at 5pm and try not to look too much like a backpacker!! :D So 5 came...and went. We rang the guy and he had changed his mind on Hannah being aloud to come. This was because she is Korean/Canadian so not 'white'. It was totally unfair since earlier he'd said it was fine. He then told Gemma, Lucy and I to find another girl. Of course we said no-it was all of us or none of us! So he canncelled and we decided to go and watch the cricket instead. It didn't start until 8.30pm so we decided to get a drink first at Leopods. It's this super cool cafe that serves beer in a mini tap that sits on the table-it was super fun! So we headed down to the stadium to find we had arrived too late and there were no tickets left! :( slightly disheartened we went down to the 'Queen's necklace' (The harbour) and had a lovely evening talking and laughing with the people we met there and wandered the streets and got coffee until the hostel was about to lock the doors!!! It turned out to be a really fun night. :)
Next day. Free breakfast of pancakes and bread, I headed out to see the city on a great little walking tour courtesy of Lonely Planet. I had heaps of fun wandering around all the sights. Mumbai reminded me somewhat of London with all it's old buildings but it of course had India's colourful twist that made it fun and exciting! I loved the Gateway of India, and took heaps of photos of the Taj Mahal Palace hotel which the day before Hannah and I had visited...It was a far cry from the hostels and guest houses that I had been staying in. Even the security check was fancey! White gloved gaurds put our bags through the x-ray machine in velvet boxes!! Inside I was blown away with how grand the hotel was. Huge chandelirs hung from the ceiling and an indoor waterfall took over the back wall. We wandered through the hotel and passed shop after designer shop-prada, gucci e.t.c. it was crazy to me that there were such shops inside the hotel! There was a huge swimming pool and knowing that we'd never be able to afford even a drink there we visited the toilets! They were SO posh!! We had to tip the lady in there she all but peed for us!!!! She turned on the taps and squirted soap in our hands and then gave us a towel...after traveling for so long this felt really awkard I mean for heavens sake-i'm quite capable of washing my hands at 19!!!! :D
Anyhoo I took heaps of photos of all the old buildings and had my photo taken an equal amount!! My little adventure finished at an icecream shop where I met up with the girls. Later in the afternoon I walked along the bay to the beach and then sat on the harbour wall and watched the sunset. It was a lovely way to spend my last night in Mumbai. It was sitting here that I met Madhu-my friend from Mumbai. I spent the evening chatting with him and he told me about his family and life when he lived in England. After a drink and ommlette sandwiches we said goodbye.
Next day-my last in India!! Up early and after another great breakfast I got on the ferry to Elephanta Island. The boat trip was fun and I once again felt like a celebrity as whole families qued up to have their photo with me!! One lady went to appologise for everyone-she said it must be very annoying but to be honest it was pretty helarious! The boat pulled up at the island and I walked along and up the hill. Passing stall after stall selling heaps of souvenirs of every variety and of course the men offering to carry people up the hill in wooden chairs-handy if you can't walk or whatever but pretty dam embarrassing!! The steps up were fairly narrow and although covered it was still hot so I was glad to get to the top and have a drink! I walked around the caves which were impressive although after Aurrangabad I was feeling a little caved out!! The unfinished ones at the end of the island we much more exciting because there was more to explore. As I sat by one of the cave enterances I watched the tourists explore but much more interesting were the monkeys!! They nicked peoples' food and drinks and then ate and drank them! It was scarry just how human like they were. It's fair to say that monkeys creep me out!! With their little hands and fingernails and human like expressions, ewww! Not a fan!! Anyhoo I then had the plesure of talking to someguy how was super rude-for 2 reasons. 1)he was chatting me up with his girlfriend sitting right next to him and 2)he thought I was 30!!!!!!!!!!! NOT IMPRESSED!!!! Most people supprisingly think i'm older than 19 but I think that's mainly because of the whole traveling in Asia thing but seriously!! He then had the cheek to ask for my number!!!!!
I then walked up to the top of the hill and saw the huge cannons and the view was also pretty amazing! On the way back down the hill I stopped for a drink and after having a very refreshing mouthful of mango juice... A MONKEY STOLE MY MAZZA!!!! There I was sitting, just relaxing and i poped my drink down to eat a cracker and before I knew it the pesky monkey had jumped out of the tree and nicked off with my drink!!! It then took off the top and started to drink! NOT impresed :P The lads I was sitting near decided that it was nessacerry to get it back for me...Like I wanted it back!! Probably would catch monkey rabies or something gross!! So I told them it was fine but still they continued... so i just left! Walking back down the hill I replaced my stolen drink! and then went back to the ferry to return back to Mumbai. I sat upstairs this time (and had to pay a little extra for the privalidge!) but it was worth it because I was super tired and there were much less people so I pretty much slept for the whole journey...not the best with no sun cream on!
Back at the Gateway of India I brought some awesome giant balloons and then went to Mumbai train station-not to get a train though....No I lived out a little Mumbai dream of mine... After watching Slumdog Millionaire I wanted to visit the station and do some bollywood dancing!! haha sounds funny but hey! So I got to the station and it was incredible!! The building made Kings Cross in London look feble! And inside at the ticket booth was equally impressive! So happy that i'd seen it i hoped in an oldy fashioned taxi and went back to the hostel to catch up with the world before it was off to the airport...or so i thought!
I'd been in the taxi only a few minutes and not even at the end of the street before I was like "STOP!! We have to go back!!" I'd forgotten to empty my locker!! The driver thought it was very funny but never the less back we went and after finally finding my locker key I got my stuff and left, for good this time! It was then 10 minutes further down the road that I realised i'd left my head torch on the bed but there was no way we were going back again! Slighlty pushed for time now we made our way across the city to the airport. I managed to hold off tears until I had checked in! Once through immagration it was very clear that I really didn't want to leave India!!! After a quick call home to let them know where I was I boarded the plane to Singapore and I have a feeling the people I was sat next to must have thought I was scarred of flying because I couldn't help my tears as we left the fact writting this 2 months on I am still getting a lumo in my throat!
In the air and on my way to my next adventure I watched the Titanic (at last!) and thought about the incredible time I had had in India! How many years until I can return?
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