Hey! Ive officially given up trying to upload photos until i get to Sydney! I cant understand all the error messages and stuff that come up when i try here-will wait until i get to an English speaking country then you guys can all look at all the lovely pics ive taken!
Anyway im in Shanghai now-bit of a difference to the ities we've been to before now. Other cities have been quite cold, people pushing you, and not that modern, whereas Shanghai seems a bit more ivilised, warmer and westernised and modern. Think we all needed a bit of Western culture to be honest-although we are all pleasantly suprised by the hotel etc-this one even has a balcony!
I am sat in an internet cafe now in the centre of the city-we have just got back from looking at the 3 tallest buildings in Asia...pretty big! Then we went to a yummy smoothie bar-needed to stock up on some Vit C! Think we will just go back to the hotel after this and chill out, we are going to some sort of museum tomorrow, then we have afree afternoon to raom around before we have our final dinner and an acrobat show, which is meant to be awesome!
Right well i cant remember what i said in my last blog, but some eventful stuff has happened since we last spoke! Firstly we took a sleeper trian for 13 hours between Beijing and a city called Xi' took 13 hours so you can imagine our disappointment when we were informed that the tickets had got messed up so we'd have to sleep on the floor! They compensated us with a McDonlds breakfast and paid for our lunch. Also, on a brighter note-we went to a Kung Fu show-almost set out like a play in a theatre, but with choreographed moves and musi and a story, it was really good and apparently its going to be in London soon so i would recommend going to see it!
Today on the way to Shanghai we stopped at a water town-basically like Venice but in China. People live on the side of the water, but its all very basic-they make their own clothes, and the entry fee we paid went stargiht to the families so they could afford to live.
We have also been on an internal flight the other day-we were served rice and noodles for breakfast which is apparently normal! Bit much for me at 9am though. So far our hotels have been really nice-i have stolen toiletries from every one so far so i am doing well in that sense! Havent spent too much money to be honest-am saving it for all the things i want to do in Oz and Nz-might even climb the harbour bridge if i have the guts! I have a week on my own In Sydney starting from Sunday-so in that time i imagine i will catch up on some sleep, get money changed, do laundry and other boring things before i go and explore! Hopefully there will be plenty of people to meet (that arent couples!) this tour is a bit strange in that sense-mainly couples so not much chance to mingle and have fun. Oh speaking of money-i did give in to a 7quid Ralph Lauren polo shirt earlier, will have to throw away one of my older tops i bought with me to make up for it!
Anyway, i will update this again when i get to Sydney, and hopefully add the photos before my memory card gives way!
Talk to me on my message board etc-would be nice to know what you guys are all up to and how much you're missing me! xxx
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