What an adrenalin fuelled few days we've had!
On sunday we decided we would do a bungy canyon swing as we saw it advertised at half price for that sunday only! when we got there we went and waited on the bridge as there were a few people infront of us...OMG i must have gone to the toilet about 5 times in 15minutes! Basically we were strapped together in a harness then this arm moved us out the side of the cliff so we were dangled 43 meters above this lake before being dropped!! there was a massive crowd of people watching bungy jumps and swings on the bridge so we had a huge audience and all we did was scream!! Looking back at it now we must have looked riduculous! The initial drop was terrifying. Honestly i though that was it and we were going to die! I think my heart stopped beating for about 3 seconds. When the rope finally pulled tight it was brilliant although we were still screamng at this point! I almost fainted from exhaustion from screaming! Was sooo much fun though and i'd definitely do it again!! that evening after such a high from the bungy swing we decided to book our skydive. although we didnt really think about it cause the weather hadnt been that great for the past few days and a storm was sposed to be coming so we assumed the worst...
woke up monday morning about 8.30 to a crystal clear blue sky. I knew we'd be doing the jump! The whole morning me and ruth were working each other up and my nerves were getting worst and worst. We got picked up at 11 and watched a few dvds of poeple jumping before we decided wht height to do. We both decided to do a 12,000ft as it was $100 cheaper for 15 seconds less freefall. We were then sent to get kitted up and ready to go...Matt was my professional although when i first met him i cant say he helped my nerves! After being the last one to turn up and then introducing himself all i could think of was how much he reminded me of borat!! (Grandad and anyone else who doesnt know who tht is dont worry) anyway he did all my checks then went to get his parachute attached. He was so clumpsy falling over and jumping around the place. It got to the point where i was going to ask for someone else!! When we finally got in the plane, everyone else was already seated and so there were no seats left...I realised then id be the first to jump. We had to sit on the floor right next to the opening where we jumped out from. when we first took off he didnt shut the window so i got hysterical and started kicking up a fuss. i couldnt breathe and i was crying pretty much the whole way up! Matt did manage to calm me down with some oxygen and once i was prooperly strapped on to him i felt so much better! I kept thinking the shutter was going to open up and i'd fly out cause we weren't attached. when we got to 12,000ft the panick came flooding back i was determined to do it though and by tht point i had no option but to jump....
I cant actually explain what it was like becuase it was just so ridiculously insane and surreal! Actually try and imagine jumping out of a plane?! You're probably really close to what its like!! It was really weird though becuase as soon as i jumped i wasnt scared anymore! The scenery was beautiful and i made matt point out mount doom!! Although i couldn't really see it as it was covered by clouds ): When the chute opened, the sickness came. It was like real bad car sickness...He made me steer the parachute though which was pretty fun! Despite being the first one out i was one of the last to land. Either way i was to pleased to land alive and in one piece!
We head off tomorrow morning for River Valley where we're going to do white water rafting :D I can't wait!! We stay there a night and then leave for Wellington on thursday!
Well i best make a moooove. Me and ruth are cooking pancakes tonight with lemon and sugerrrrr. LUSHHH. My mouth is watering just thinking about them!!
LOve you alll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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