Charlie and Rebes: Brit's Abroad
Alright All. It's official that your friends are now complete ho-bos, living in the most embarrassing van possibly in the world and showering - rarely - in the free beach showers. All of our vaguely cute clothes have been resigned to being used as insulation down the sides of the van since its like -3 degrees every night and the topping on the cake is that people genuinely think we're religious. I think the real low point was when the craziest looking old lady ever stepped up to the van in her skater clothes and asked Rebes if we were 'spiritual people'. Almost collapsed and had to drive off quick before sshe saw the back of our van. We - and by 'we' I mean Rebes - are driving up the East Coast towards Cairns and having apart from the smell a wicked time. We've stopped in pretty much all the major cities and most of them look like pleasantville with people cycling and playing frisbee - WEIRD!! Just stopped off in Byron Bay for a while and hoping to go sky-diving tomorrow. Hugs and Love Charlie and Rebes xxx
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