Hi Oonagh and Dale, Just a quick one to say that I really enjoyed reading your Cuba diaries....you tell it how it is! That's Havana and Miami struck off the list then. Think I must have missed a blog or two over the summer hols (in France with family at Uncles....Mum is doing fine) so will have to catch up. What I want to know is when are you going to find your own guest house in paradise so that we can all come and stay?! You both look wonderfully well...so glad you're having a great time.....keep on writing! Love Carolyn and kids xxx
Hello Guys, glad you are still having a great time. It sounds fantastic. I think the 'SCAB NIBBLING' fish has caught on in the UK, apparently there are places setting up where you can put your feet into a tank of water and the fish nibble away at the skin.....bit like a tropical pedicure! Hope you managed to sort out your credit cards etc. Where next.....is there anywhere left? Love you loads, all good here xx Not at all jealous of your weather...it's 17 degrees here and pissing with rain!!!
Wow, Isla Bonita really does look just like a vision of Paradise! Truly beautiful.
Back here in old blighty the rain has come back - of course it has it's Summer.
Lots of Love Jaynexxx
Ok - enough is enough! We all want you to come back now - we're missing you both too much and you seem to be enjoying paradise too much to return the favour :o(
I love your latest blog... The shed looked amazing. Make sure you make full notes on its exact location, as its the type of place you'll dream about returning to for years. Sounds like your experiences of Mexico and Honduras are far removed from those you'd had previously, which is good to hear. Its a place Gary and I have always wanted to go diving.
Looking forward to the next installment.
Lots of love,
Teri, Gary & Callum
Fabulous blog entry from Austin Texas! A trip down memory lane, and loved the photo of Oonagh on Miss Ellie's loo! It must have been totally amazing to see Graceland, and pay your respects. Also, loved the links to 'youtube' with Oonaghs dancing and the skydiving. What an experience.
Keep living the dream, and don't forget us all. Your boys miss you!
Will you ever be coming home??? x
You've seen some great sites and talk about from one point of the scale to the other, from the Mississippi Steamer to the full on pary in Loiusiana - same with the weather, you were lucky with hurricane Alex.
WOuld love to have seen their faces when you asked if anyone had ever had sex in space - that beats the mile high club anyday:-)
Love to you both. Jayne & Adrianxxx
WOW!!! ....Just seen the skydive video.....Amazing. I seem to remember that you were'nt keen on going up in the ALP.
Have fun, Mick H
Katrina Lyons Bailey
Wow! You are covering some serious miles in the USA. I am seriously impressed :) Are you heading up this way? Chicago - Wisconsin? Or will you wait until it is the worst weather months to visit? Summer is short here - winter comes early and lasts forever. Come soon or you will never know how nice it can be here. Seriously, are we on your schedule/radar yet? Hope we will get to see you at some point. Mom & Dad will be with us July/Aug and Alison & kids will be here first week of August.
There is a problem with the sound on oonaghs clip, due to the song used in the video YouTube is saying there is a copyright problem. There may be a way around this, i'll check it out.
I also have some screenshots from the videos which you might want to put up so I'll email those all.
Hi guys!!
Hope you guys are having a fantastic time in the US! It was really great to meet you in New Zealand and I'm just working on getting your skydive videos on line :)
Keep in touch,
HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE BOTH OF YOU!!! Hope you have the most fantastic day - a day to remember. Thinking of you, and wishing i were with you!
Loads of love
Katie and your boys xxx
Hi to you both.
Glad you are still enjoying yourself and that you won big in Vegas!! Enjoy America and stay safe. Hope you have found somewhere exotic to live, (and not just so I can get a cheap holiday!). We'll do coffee when you gat back.