Calangute North Goa
Middle-aged, Tattooed, Overweight and their husbands wear replica football shirts (£4.50 each), Yes this is package holiday Goan style (built up, commercial and dirty). On our way to Calangute the taxi driver, stopped and stripped down to his undies at the side of the road, (all a bit strange we thought) then he changed into his uniform as the police could fine him without it on. We are staying at a nice hotel at the southern end of town ((£20pn apartment and few Russian's), Its all 10% more expensive here than Colva, and a lot bigger, busier and noisier, Short changing seems to be compulsory (8 times in 2 days) They still have cows, dogs and the odd elephant roaming around, and were back to crazy traffic again ,men spitting and peeing at he side of the roads, One cow was in a sweetshop (Cake shop) and didn't want to leave. Another tried to eat the contents of a lady's beach bag and wouldn't take no for an answer.
The local beach shacks that feed and water the masses are closed due to a licensing issue leaving the beach as messy as the town. Its all unorganised, even for India. There are a lot of Russian's in Goa, who are disliked by all (especially the locals), they appear to be behind everything (legal / illegal) the rouble is very mighty in Goa. The food in Goa is to a really good standard, Oonagh is the more adventurous and we are easily living on under ten pounds a day.
On Wednesday (25/11/09) we went by Taxi (£3) to the weekly Hippie market ½ hour north in Anjuna, Where Psychedelic meets Tibetans and the Locals in a colourful event just off the beach, all to the backing of trance & rave music. T-shirts are £1.00 after haggling, (as one Goan girl said to Oonagh "your bloody killing me for 50 rupee's, its cheaper than Asda"), It is amusing watching the package tourist living the hippie Goan dream.. We returned by ferry and walked back from the neighbouring village. (Baga & Candolin are the same as Calangute)
03/12/09 We are lucky to be staying in the Colaba district of Mumbai, which has very Victorian architecture, Left from the days of the Empire, All the famous landmarks are nearby, We still has cows and dogs roaming the streets. We ate at the Leopold restaurant amongst the bullet holes where last years massacre started , The Taj hotel is around the corner. As for the rest of Mumbai?, it stinks, worst than the M4 at Slough on a sunny day. On a plus side it does have proper pavements,(1st time in a month) and is still very cheap (2hrs in a cab £4.00 including tip). We took a hour ferry ride to elephanta island, where hindu temples are carved into caves (even the sea is covered in filth.)
Would we return to India? Probably not, it has been a great experience and not to be missed, But you have to remain focused on this is India and its how they live. And why, Oh why can't they use a bin
Scrabble 6-5 to Oonagh
Namaste the Chaffer's
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