Happy Birthday Ceri. Hope you have a good one. Speak soon xxxxx
Hey cez!! sorry I have only just been able to check out your journals!! (just been so manic!) but sound slike youve been doing loads!! cant believe it - a skydive! Happy '25th!!' birthday for the 14th .. where will you be?? say hi to anna and claire for me and keep me updated with the goss ..
take care xx
He he saw your photo so funny!! nice one though-- u so brave! Where you gonna be for your birthday- any address we can send goodies to? Enjoy the south island x
Hello Daddy here glad to hear you're all ok don't forget when you leave NZ not to jump out of the airoplane at 9000 feet The pilot won't like it! xxx
L ovely to hear from you at last. Glad you enjoying N Z I want to see a photo of your camper van so hurry up and post some pictures on your photo album. I'm very jealous, its still freezing cold wet and windy here in Devon. More updates soon please, everyone is asking about you. x x x
yo reecepops what's news? how's kiwi-land are you in love yet? am dying to hear all your campervan adventures- are you honking at fellow travellers- have you named her yet? ah memories galore.... miss ya muchly update soon please!xx
Hello u, just around ur mums for a cup of tea! just testing this thing but will revert to emailing. Anyway we're just commenting on on the lack of updates u've given since gettin to NZ. anyway keep in touch punk and get claire and anna to do journals too, as we r really nosey cos everyone is dying to know whwther anna got laid yet...i mean, (if he folks read this) has she met her Mr Right! Tell her Gay Mike says hello! Take care love harry:-) xxx
Hello flower, I hope you are feeling better by now, and you are eating all the yummy food again. Weather here still freezing cold, fed up with wearing so many layers of clothes! Dogs and cats all missing you, Milly still sits outside your bedroom door waiting for you to let her in. Enjoy the hot ness, hope not too much rain. Love you, miss you x x x
hey cezza! ows u feelin??? jst had a drivin lesson and it was soo bad kept screwin up! hope ur feelin better
hey ceri, sounds like your having a wicked time, i'm sooooo jealous!!! can't wait to see some photos, have fun love ya laura xx
Hi ceri, glad to hear you got to Bali safely at last. Hope you're seeing lots of the island, and enjoying the culture and weather! It was minus 2 degrees in sunny Devon this morning. All's well here apart from the weather, I'm just about to go out with Lee driving, wish me luck. Enjoy the weather, speak soon, miss you x x x
hey mate hope your alright, your not missing much just the norm drunk ppl of work, keep in touch love kat x x x